really bad nappy rash/thrush???


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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my poor little man has the most horrendous nappy rash! well i think its nappy rash but health visitor said it possibly could be thrush....

its weeping and bleeds a bit when cleaned its awful i feel so sorry for him, hes not moaning about it, only when i clean it. trying to change his nappy as soon as he's weed and i kept him out of a nappy for about an hour earlier....

just wondering if anyone knows what thrush is like as it could be this? i am taking him to the doctor tomoro but wanna try and ease it for him tonight i hate even looking at it the poor little thing :(

I posted about this yesterday. Isaac is 10 weeks and has had terrible nappy rash since he was one week :( The HV recommended bepanthen but it didn't work so I went to the doc & he gave me Timodine - this treats thrush & other types of rash, it did nothing so took him back & was given canesten, this hasn't helped either. I then saw a different doctor who said to use timodine more often than was previously prescribed & some oral medicine for thrush, we've been using these for over a week now & still no improvement. I'm so upset by it, it looks so sore & bleeds, makes me cry! I'm also doing nappy off time & changing him really regularly. I've tried to book an appointment with the dermatologist at my docs but he's on holiday for the next couple of weeks, I just don't know what to do next.
Sorry that isn't helpful to you at all! I just know how horrible it is to see that poor sore bottie :( Do let me know what your doc does/says & how you get on & hope you find something that works.
Have you changed your brand of nappies?? Nephew gets an allergic reaction to pampers for some reason and it looks similar to nappy rash. He's now in asdas little angels and is fine with them.
Hunnie, that's interesting, I do use Pampers but as the rash is not all over (just in & around crack!) I thought it probably wasn't the nappies but now I'm wondering. Do you know if your nephew's rash was all over? He's fine on front & bum cheeks!
Didn't want to read and run hun - the only thing I can suggest if it nappy rash is to have some nappy off time which ur doing and use a nappy rash cream as well xxx
he got nappy rash in the first few days so i changed from huggies to pampers and it cleared up, but hes had these for about 13 days id say! its all around his bum hole not backs of the cheeks or anywhere else either but its two big large patches of it on both sides it looks so so bad :(
My LO is allot older but I recent tried lidls own brand nappies and they gave her awfull nappy rash which was bleeding I bought metanium nappy rash cream and within 2 days it started healing up xx

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ive got that metanium stuff but didnt know if it was too harsh to put on broken skin..?? it did clear up his first lot of nappy rash (that was just a lot of redness rather than weeping/bleeding) but this looks alot worse... ive left him out of his nappy for about an hour and i put him in a warm bath and im keeping an eye out for as soon as he poos so i can change nappy straight away

I posted a few weeks ago about little angels givin my lo nappy rash, I use sudocreme twice a day, also last week I was giving infacol and lo bum was quite red, I stopped it and his bum cleared
Hope it clears up x
I went through all this with Jake when he was tiny, went to the GP 3 times, I tried all those creams you have mentioned, changed nappies, tried thrush cream and antibiotics and nothing worked, it just kept getting worse and worse and was bleeding. In the end the GP said he just couldn't understand it and sent me to to A&E where they told me it was a bad case of nappy rash but that the creams were not able to make a good barrier to stop the poo eating into his skin every time he went so she gave me a paste, it's called Orabase protective paste and it works! In fact it's bloody fantastic stuff and you can buy it in the chemist, just wash their bum with cooled water and cotton wool then dry it and paste that stuff all over the rash everytime you change their nappie, even my GP asked me to contact him and let him know what they used so he would know what to do if he ever came across it again xxx
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oh wow chrissie thanks so much im gonna take him to the GP tomorrow morning so ill ask about that stuff and get it !! thanks alot xxx
was just gonna suggest orabase its like a paste and works as a barrier while letting the skin heal as nothing can get to it.
you can buy it if GP wont prescribe it. Its used in some scbu's too.
You're welcome, I know what it's like when they are so sore and you can't make them better, I was in tears when Jake had his xxx
I tried yogurt and egg whites too along with nappy free time and the only thing that made it better was the orabase paste, I still use it now even as he seems to have an allergic reaction to any nappy creams, when his bum gets sore I can't use anything on him apart from the orabase xx
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Wow, great tip Chrissie, I'm getting some as soon as the shops open!
Noooooo! I asked for this in boots & was told it has been discontinued :(
Independant chemists are best I know a local one to me had it. If you struggle i can get some tomorrow or Monday and post if you like if they have some or I think you can order online
Thank you - very kind! I've just ordered 2 tubes from an online chemist. Hope it arrives soon! Will let you know how it goes!
Yeah small chemists are better for getting it but I order Jake's online all the time now, I buy about 5 tubes of the stuff and it's lasts a good while then, I get mine from and they are really good and reliable for sending it out xxx

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