
My mum has a rat living in her garden. Big horrible smelly dirty creature. She's put poison out loads of times but next door feed it the silly old bags :roll:
Kim said:
My mum has a rat living in her garden. Big horrible smelly dirty creature. She's put poison out loads of times but next door feed it the silly old bags :roll:

Hate to break the news Kim, but no-one has A rat. :shock: :lol:
haha i hate rats, i know it aint a rat but at my bfs old house i was sleeping to be woke up by sumat shuffling, i looked under my pillow and a lil mouse was just sitting there, ffook me it was scary :shock:
There's a big juicy rat living in my parents garden, drives the dog mad!!!
I have never seen a rat running wild...but I did have 2 pet rats baileys and lakrits (liquorice in swedish) and they were wicked!!!!! :D
Minxy said:
Kim said:
My mum has a rat living in her garden. Big horrible smelly dirty creature. She's put poison out loads of times but next door feed it the silly old bags :roll:

Hate to break the news Kim, but no-one has A rat. :shock: :lol:

Yes we have seen little children rats too :lol:
ive seen wild rats scurry past around the canal in manchester

ive also seen a white rat running around picadilly gardens (the old gardens b4 the bomb), it belonged to a group of punks who we used to hang out with, its name was tampon!
Oh yes!

Well we've had rats as pets- 6 in fact:- Billy Brown and S.P.G., Fab and Julian and Nicki and Albert (guess who likes The Strokes!). I have also been to fancy rat shows!

We also had a wild rat in our kitchen one autumn- it had eaten its way through the kitchen wall! We blocked the hole but accidentally blocked it in so we had to catch it. My Dad is a Buddhist and won't kill anything so he had a humane rat trap which we borrowed and baited with Milky Way and we caught him on the first night. Boy was he annoyed when we turned the light on! Typical of a rat though even though he thought we were about to kill him he had still eaten all the Milky Way and even took a nibble at some bread my OH offered him. He was totally different to our pet rats (they are a different species), he had a flat nose and much smaller ears. When we let him out in some scrubland (way away from anyone's house) he took such a huge leap!

In cities you see them all the time though.
I hate rats too!!

When I was a student, I shared a manky house by the river. It wasn't terribly messy or dirty, but it was a very old, damp house. We used to hear scratching and scurrying in the walls and ceiling, but never knew what it was.

One night my 6'7" house mate, James, went into the kitchen and let out the most high pitched scream I have ever heard from a bloke! We all hurried along and saw a pretty brown rat helping its self to our wholemeal bread! (Cheaky blighter!)
My other house mate, Lee, managed to catch it in a box and took it down to the river.

The landlord got in the Pest control and they found dead rats under the kitchen units and in the wall cavities. There were also rat droppings in the loft.

I moved out there and then, I couldn't stay in a rat infested house..ew!! I went and lived with OH's parents until we tied the knot and got our own house.
YES! i have seen a rat cheeky little basteward! last year in the height of our summer, me and my mum had had a cake in my back garden and i dropped some of mine on the floor, was about to pick it up when mum convinced me to watch the ants try get it (that was before i poisoned them all) i came back in forgetting about it, closed my patio doors when out of nowhere this big fat dirty great rat came along and sniffed this bit of cake snatched it, ran into the shade ate it, marched right up to my window and started washing itself looking at its reflection brave little Tish! it came back for about 2 weeks every day looking for food, so i poisoned it too and it popped it in next doors garden! yep im cruel, but how bad would it have been if it had paid me a visit when i was out their in the garden it could of attacked me or anything! and its not as if i was at my most able with a whopping great lug of a bump hindering my every move, no you know what and this year ... I may even get the mummy rat

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