I hate rats too!!
When I was a student, I shared a manky house by the river. It wasn't terribly messy or dirty, but it was a very old, damp house. We used to hear scratching and scurrying in the walls and ceiling, but never knew what it was.
One night my 6'7" house mate, James, went into the kitchen and let out the most high pitched scream I have ever heard from a bloke! We all hurried along and saw a pretty brown rat helping its self to our wholemeal bread! (Cheaky blighter!)
My other house mate, Lee, managed to catch it in a box and took it down to the river.
The landlord got in the Pest control and they found dead rats under the kitchen units and in the wall cavities. There were also rat droppings in the loft.
I moved out there and then, I couldn't stay in a rat infested house..ew!! I went and lived with OH's parents until we tied the knot and got our own house.