rash???? treatment? *pic* (its a skin infection)


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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Harley has always had bad dry skin like exma on his face its on his cheak bone it comes and goes but today its all rore skin and leaking water. and bits of blood.
it put socks on his hands. and cant put cream on i as it will sting? its like when you have a blister and pull the skin of and its all fresh????
his face was stuck to the pillow????
any ideas?

heres a pic. should i take him doc? i called them there are no appointments untill next week should i wait that long or say its urgant?
what can i use to treat it?
That looks sore, I would get him to the doctors!!

Jadie said:
That looks sore, I would get him to the doctors!!


when i called they are fully booked. only the out of hours centre is open and thats for urgant????

poor thing it comes and goes all the time but this time its sore looking. is there any thing ild be able to out on it?

im going to the out of hrs at 6pm. they best not laugh at me saying its urgant.
Say it's urgent Dionne, I tell them anything to do with Brody is urgent!
im going down the out of hrs centre at 6.
poor lil mite :cry:
i would not like to say anything to put on it, might make it worse! they wont laugh, it is urgent cos your little boy is poorly!
I always tell them im debating A+E and they ALWAYS get you an appointment.
It looks vey much like an excema flare up hun. Charlie had a simlar patch when she was 3 months, and it had been quite hot. I took her to A +E as it was a bank holiday.
Let us know how he goes xxx
do you think it could be teething?? hope he is ok :hug:
ooh that looks sore.. ewan had patches like that on his arms, they gave him a very very mild steroid creme, we also use an aloe based creme which really helped, and its all gone now.. i just wonder if weaning did had any part as it has all gone now appart from the occasional patch,

Hope you get it sorted. :hug:
hope he is ok hun!!


Hypnorm said:
ooh that looks sore.. ewan had patches like that on his arms, they gave him a very very mild steroid creme, we also use an aloe based creme which really helped, and its all gone now.. i just wonder if weaning did had any part as it has all gone now appart from the occasional patch,

Hope you get it sorted. :hug:

I wondered about the weaning with Ella coming up in a little bit of excema. As soon as she started having cows milk on her food her arm flared up :?
iv had a crap night was in the walk in centre for over a hr in this time 4 people had went in but there were still 5 people in front of me
i told the woman ild try the chemist instead as Harley was screaming i couldnt wait got to the chemist they wouldnt give me any thing its to close to his eyes and is weeping yellow puss.
so went back to the walk in centre lost my place in the queue. i waited another hour for the doctor to tell me it wasnt urgant it was just a skin infection! JUST skin infection :evil:
its bleeding and leaking every where, he has a steriod cream now poor lil fella.

and tomorrow is the first time im leaving him... with MIL so im going to bed now feeling sorry for myself :cry:
but im letting harley sleep in my bed tonight :shhh:
kris said, ok aslong as we dont squash him..... i said more like he dont squash us :lol: my big tank
oh hun hope he's ok, hassan suffers like this everytime he has a new teeth coming through! and he was perscribed a cream also and it went within 2 days back to his soft baby skin! hope he gets better soon. :hug:
Oh the poor lil sausage. Hope it gets better soon. Give him a big cuddle from me :hug:
Bless him hope it gets better :hug:

Hope he never crushed you in bed last night. :)
That looks really nasty. Bloody doctors how would they feel if we treated their kids like that!

Hope he is ok

that looks aweful hun glad you got somthing for it now

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