Rash on legs.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Is it normal to have a rash on legs during pregnancy?
My OH put e45 on it last night because the itching was becoming unbearable. It only made it worse and I had to jump into a cool bath to relieve it. My OH is going to get some calomine lotion on his way home from work this afternoon.
It isn't all over my legs, just in patches but there are 8 patches in total over both legs. It is driving me batty as I am trying hard not to scratch! :wall:
i have been getting heat rash on my legs whihc is itchy, but iwas prone o that pre pregnancy.

If it's unbearable see your GP and get soemthng on prescription for free.

I had the most annoying rash early on that comes back every now and again. Turned out to be just my hair follicles but doctor prescribed me a moisturiser that really helps- better than my usual anyway. mine was so bad I had to have a cold flannel on my legs during the night and it kept me up. Make sure nothing is irritating your skin as your skin sensitivity can change and check with doc if it carries on I reckon.
Thanks for the replies and for the link bowmanzoo. I am seeing my doctor on Wednesday so I will definately mention the rash if it doesn't calm down by then.
have you ever had ezcema?
mine flares up on my legs when im pregnant.
*Star* said:
have you ever had ezcema?
mine flares up on my legs when im pregnant.

I get eczema on my face when I get really stressed out. I never actually thought the rash could be that! :think: It actually feels similar to it and looks similar as well. Damn, why didn't I think of that? Just as well you did because I know calomine lotion helps my eczema. Will give it a try. :hug: Thanks!

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