Rarrrrr lol pulling my hair out !!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Well she dont like carrot :roll: , she dont like sweed :roll: and she grunts like I dont know what!

She smiles and laughs alot but when she wants something she screams and grunts :lol:

All of a sudden shes become a right character :lol: She wont eat the carrot and sweede or either on there own and grunted thru the whole process of eating so I decided to give her the powder stuff which she normaly has and wolfed the lot, yesterday she would eat the carrot with apple in it ( she wont eat it on its own ) so I tried it again today but noooooo she sussed it and didnt want it :lol:

So not sure really what to do about that if she dont like it I wont give it to her but it seems as if shes just being a fuss :| anyone else had this?

She also decided after much grunting that she wanted to go bed earlier and is zonked now at 630 instead of 7 :lol:

She seems to grunt and moan because she wants something done or isnt happy about something, I know for a fact it isnt because shes in pain or anything as soon as I gave her to grandma or she saw her grandad she was smiling and talking to them :roll: :lol:

Jesus christ shes knackerd me out :rotfl:
Try mixing some breast milk in with it or adding it to her packet food.
keep offering it to her though tash. i once read that babies refuse something 70 times beofre accepting it
Kate seemed to hate carrots at first, infact she only would eat fruity stuff for the first few weeks and I was a bit worried about it. Anyway after a couple of weeks she started to have more savoury stuff and now she eats fish pie and allsorts so I wouldnt worry about it, I think its normal for them to favour sweeter stuff to begin with, just keep trying every couple of days and I'm sure she will like them in the end! :hug:
Thanks for the advise, I will try what you suggested by trying her again with it.

Do you think I should give her the powder stuff with the carrot? and then gradually start to take the powder out of it?
Tash add some daireylea in it, just a little bit, after a few tries you can lessen the amount
I sometimes add philadelphia with garlic to mashed potato. That was one of the first savoury type things Kate accepted. Also if you mix potato with carrot she might like that? I found that by diluting the flavour of things a bit she would eat them, she didnt seem to like strong tastes at first. I used to just give her apple and pear mixed with a bit of baby rice and milk for the first few weeks, she loved that! They are all different though, they keep you on your toes, thats one thing theyve all got in common!!
Well I havent been out today so I just did it with a bit of some brocoli powder stuff and she just gave me a weird look :lol:

Took ages for her to eat it, so I will get some potatoes tomorrow and some phily :D

Can she have phily at 5 months?
Well its pastuerised(sp?) so I think its safe, I gave it to Kate at 5 months and it didnt seem to upset her stomach or anything. I couldnt say for sure if they recommend it because it seems that all you ever get when you look things up is "it is recommended to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months" - drives me mad! :wall:
:lol: lol I know what you mean thers no way Oli would of gone 6 months with just breastmilk :roll:

I will try the phily :D

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