
Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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I am so angry with dh. Liam dosnt sleep well all day and at night. i mean from 6am to 4.30 he had 25 mins of sleep and this is normal. he is awake every 2 - 3 hrs at night from 11pm.

i was up with him from 4.30 - 5.15 this morning. fed him checked his nappy put him back down. 6.00 he wakes up crying. hubby decides to just stick his dummy in his mouth and leve him screaming for 40 mins until i picked him up. i was so pissed off. when i said about doing this a couple of weeks ago he couldnt be arsed. i also said that each time you need to check his nappy (it was a bit wet then). then either give him some water, no milk, then reassure him and put him in the cot. let him cry for 5 mins, then go back reassure him, dont pick him up, and thus keep on doing this.

am i right or am i unreasonable. i am soooooooooooo angry. i have now got an unsettled baby in my arms and am trying to type with one arm.
Why are you giving him water? he could be genuinely hungry.
Oh's can be a right pain, i don't think they understand some times, as mine will leav ewan crying for 30 mins and say oh he's ok hes just winging and i go up and he is in a right state.

Are you demand feeding? breast or bottle?

How old is baby 4 months?

If ewan was crying i would leave him 5mins to see if he settled then if he didn't i would pick him up and calm him down then put him back down, if i left him laid down or patted him he would just get worse.

They are not doing it on purpose at this stage they just want comfiort and reasurance that all is ok. you can't spoil them at this age

Yes I totally agree. We gave joshua water during the night when he was about 6 months as we knew he wasnt hungry and just did it out of habit.

I have just seen the hv and she said as he only eats little and often then we shouldnt try and stop the night feeds. He is putting on weight as he should so therefore it is doing him good. she did suggest that we bath and give him a bottle about 7 - 7.30 then play with him and put him to bed about 8, still awake, so that he associates bedtime with sleeptime. she said that they usually do this with a bit older babies but as Liam is demanding we should give it a try. If he cries we just go in after 5 mins then 10 mins etc. So i will be trying this wish me luck :pray:
Hi davina Colby is now 5 weeks and sleeping all through the night she has done this for just over a week now, this is what i do

she has 5oz every 4 hours during the day i keep her awake from 6pm and just play with her i bath her around 8-8.30 by the time i have adele to bed. She takes 3oz at 9pm and is in bed for 10 and that is her till 7am.
when im feeding her during the day i always makesure she has at least 45 mins play on her mat or in her bouncy chair while im doing house work or giving adele some attention then she will go into her moses basket and sleep for 1-1 1/2 hrs then its feeding time again. By the time i get colby to bed im totally shatterd anyway with being up from 6am with the OH going to work (yes im stupid i get up and make his brekky) But having at least 6-8 hrs sleep is wonderfull (not being woken up) This works great for me and i hope you routine gets better hun take care


thanks for that. our problem is that liam rarely takes more than 3oz in one feed. because of this we put him on plus food hoping that if he only takes 3oz then he will be fuller on a thicker milk, but no such luck so we are going back to the original milk. i have noticed him feeding sort of every 2 1/2 - 3 hours for 24 hours a day. of course that changes if we go out as being in the car or pram seems to make him sleep. he has been home since 2.30. he has had 4oz milk (amazing) and is now sleeping.
weestar21 said:
Colby is now 5 weeks and sleeping all through the night she has done this for just over a week now, xxxx

Im impressed :clap: :clap:
I would get up and make dh's breky as well. There is a lot to be said for small gestures like that. I like dh to go out to work in the a.m knowing that as well as a mum im still thinking of him because if I have a bad day I could be the devil in disgiuse by the time he gets home. :twisted:

You have a right to be mad talk to him and make sure he understands you .

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