Rant time


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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grr im so annoyed
My friend used to live in Canada for a while where she got with this guy he was violent n did drugs so when she was preg by him she left and came back here
but they were still "together"
and then he dumped her for a 16 year old girl and this guy is like 21
she sat round my house moaning on and on and on i listened to it all did all i culd for her she got a nice new fella well he wernt a looker but he treated her amazlingly
she gets a load of money backdated from child tax credits
AND GOES TO CANADA so "euan can meet his father" thats all she sed
and she then announces yesterday
"Becks i wish u was here to come to my hen do"
OMFG lol on the 21st August shes fukin marrying him :wall: :wall: :wall:
and she cant understand why im mad??
and sends me this

Subject: RE: LMFAO
if u dont got nothing nice to say dont say it....our friendship has nothing to do with mike and i...u been dodgey since ur friend came down that night...i get ur point but u kinda knew this would happen one way or annother and u didnt seem too bothered. i miss u and riley and i promise not to mention mike much i dont see why you'd have to make things change


i kinda went a bit craze n sent back

Subject: RE: RE: LMFAO
Body: er that wernt about u
im not standing around and watch u fuck up ur life
hahaha its so funny in a way

u r a actual loser so desperate 2 have him y i do not kno he is the most disgusting minging thing ever
it wuld have done u good to stay with scott he seemed like he would do anything for u and u prefer 2 be treated like a ****
haha o well
im so angry because of all the nights i had 2 sit and listen to that bollocks bout all this and i try n get u back on track u were nearly there and the second u get a bit of money u run off and throw it all back in my face for some freak of a boy that i garantee u will fuck some1 else behind ur back as soon as he gets a chance that i promise u LOL

was a bit mean but can any1 else understand why im a bit miffed or do u all think im over reacting?
:hug: :hug: :hug: she seems very confused hun, let her make her own mind up. All you can do is give her advice, its up to her wether she uses it. :hug:
grr at her
if sum1 dumped me for a 16 yr old girl id be livid
not go n fricking marry him lol
Becksss said:
grr at her
if sum1 dumped me for a 16 yr old girl id be livid
not go n fricking marry him lol

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Sometimes friends just have to sit and listen and the be supportive WHATEVER the other person does.

Can't really see why YOU are that livid - after all it is not YOU marrying him. Be concerned for your friend - you have told her what you thing IMO in a bit of a harsh and brutal way and now if you are a REAL friend you will stand by her.

Sorry but that is my honest opinion.
jenna said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: she seems very confused hun, let her make her own mind up. All you can do is give her advice, its up to her wether she uses it. :hug:

I agree! If he does cheat on her again she will only learn from her own mistakes! All you can do is tell her how you feel but it's up to her if she takes that advice or not! :D
haha Brutal Becks
Ilove it
ahh man its so annoying though
I wont be nice to him

he evern calls me becks the sex and makes inuendos 2 me and she just lols if my partner did that id be mad but i just wanted the best 4 her its all gonna end in tears and poor euan gets brought up in argument zone
cos thats what they do 24/7 she even told me they been gettin on each others nerves shes only been there a week lol
Unfortunately when some women fall for that sort of man it takes any awful lot of time for them to finally realise that he's bad for them. Years, in some cases. While I can understand you being upset for your friend, you're going to have to let her make her own mistakes and then be there for her to help her pick up the pieces when it inevitably goes wrong once again. Trust me, I've seen both my sisters fall for idiots and no amount of haranguing or hectoring is going to do any good. If anything, it'll make her more determined to make this work, just to prove you wrong. If they're already at each others throats, I suspect that this particular phase won't last very long and she'll be back home quite soon. Apart from anything else, there's practicalities to consider such as a job and moving all her things out there etc. She's probably just caught up in the moment and hasn't particularly thought things through. When the implications finally hit her (and it might take a while) she's going to need you more than ever.

Hope it all gets resolved soon.
Hmm yeh thats the thing
shes on benefits liek myself
so while shes out there shes still getting bills at her flat and her mum is transferring all her money 2 her cos she only has a post office account??
and hes supposed 2 be moving here

shes not even supposed 2 be gettin her benefits seeing as shes in canada

but whats she gonna do when lol she comes back to bills etc grrr
but shes buying weed galore
the amount of times i have been in the same situation as you, sitting there for hours listening to them go on about how they dont want them back and all this and everything, and you do help them as much as you cant, but at the end of the day its her choice, she will learn one day, maybe he will start being violet and everything again :( hopefully he wont, but you know violent people never change, and thats a fact.

also shes probably stil thinking theres something there cos of the child, and i agree theres no way id go back to someone who went for a 16 year old (basically the same as what dave is doing lol.. :puke: but younger)

just leave her too it, she will want you again soon enough when it "doesnt work out" and your the only person shes got..

dont worry too much but i can understand why you are annoyed hunni cos i would be exactly the same

:hug: :hug: :hug:
have a cup of tea =)
lolol I love your rows Becks, like that Myspace girl who annoyed you :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So have these people really set a date for their wedding? I thought there would be a lot of papers to fill out even to get married in a different country.

Yes I can understand why you are p*ssed off, when she leaves him again, tell her she can't sit with you going 'boo hoo hoo, wah wah wah' for ages :)
and when she says she wont tlk about mike
omg she doesnt know how 2 not talk about mike lol

she hasnt read the msg on myspace yet and i feel a bit guilty i might just say
look mate hes gonna fuck u over so at least when he does let me say i told u so :D
haha n try n act normal
katyk said:
So have these people really set a date for their wedding? I thought there would be a lot of papers to fill out even to get married in a different country.

This had occurred to me, too. Over here, I think that Immigration would want to be involved in order to make sure that the marriage was not occurring merely for the purposes of obtaining citizenship. I would have thought that Canada would have similar restrictions in place. Plus, it costs money to get married - is Mike going to be covering all of that, given that she presumably doesn't have lots of spare cash?

I think, as you've surmised, that she's setting herself up for a fall. Unfortunately there's little you can do except watch and then be there for her.
It probably wont be legal haha
or 1 of them 5min dos in a cheap place i dunno but i cant believe it
its like she knows what i think cos when she tells me things she doesnt tell me straight out she goes...

heres a pics of a party when mike asked me out again but i was so wasted i sed yes

n i sed
FFS jemma ur going out with him ???
n she was like yeh only cos i was drunk i sed yeh

and then she sed aww beck i wish u was here for my hen do
and im like *sigh*
om actual god
look what MIKE sed 2 me

and lol at my reply

*pic removed*

how have i been 2 faced excatly
Becksss said:
grr at her
if sum1 dumped me for a 16 yr old girl id be livid
not go n fricking marry him lol

Surely the most worrying thing here is that he is violent and they will be bringing up a child together, not the fact he dumped her :think:
Yeh and that lol
well it all he just shuld exist for a start grr oh well
i told em im through
1 week 2day they will have fuked up their lives
Firstly, you should never say "I told you so", laugh at someones mis-fortunes or basically tell them you dont want to be their friend anymore just because you dont like what they are doing with thier life.

If you really are a friend, then just tell her you hope she is happy and that your always there for her if she wants to talk.

You dont really have the right to be angry just because she cried on your shoulder and then got back with him, its not as if she did it to spite you now is it?

And im gonna have to remove that msn screenshot as we have a swear-word filter for a reason.

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