rant rant rant


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
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Ok can we please skip this year please because i've had enough now of 2008. Everything was going swimmingly, mums husbands funeral was out the way so I thought yay thats it no more deaths please, the housing situation has been sorted out and i'm quite happy with my new home,financial situation has got better so comfortable there, baby seems fine kicking away and very active. I just knew everything was going toooooo freaking well, just had a phone call from father inlaw, he asked to speak to my hubby to inform him that his step brother who is young 20's has been killed on an army training activity. What bugs me is late last year he was posted in afghan I think it was where he's vehicle got blown up but scot survived and now whilst on a freaking army training activity with no enemies he gets killed. All I know is he was the gunner on top of the vehicle and the vehicle somehow rolled and crushed him underneath. I'm sooooo gutted!!!!!!!!! Don't know whether to send flowers to the family as in his mum and sister or not.

So its the 4th month of the year and in that time 3 deaths, mother in law was january, mums husband a few weeks ago and now scotty. Please let that be it.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

So Sorry hun. I really hope things get better for you :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Awwww jeezes, just as things were starting to look up. I hope everything else is okay for you for the rest of this year. You will have your gorgeous little baby soon things will start looking a bit better....anyways hugs for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hun - I know how this feels - had 3 in one month last year. Sending lots of hugs your way. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanx girls, I just feel so useless when it comes to his mum and sister. I wasnt mega close to scot as hardly ever saw him as familes go and all that but I am very close to his sister and don't know wat to do or say. I sent flowers to hubs mother in-law today but she's very distraught which is understandable. I'm dreading the funeral.

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