Radiator in baby's room?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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I've just realised that we have a bit of a problem in our nursery. We live in a tiny flat and the baby's room is super tiny. Pretty much all that will fit in the room is a cot! I've read that it is not safe to put the baby's cot near a radiator, but the room is so small that no matter which way we put the cot, it will be quite close to the radiator.

Our flat seems to be insulated really well and this winter we only used the radiator downstairs and not that often. (Both bedrooms are upstairs) Would it be feasible to not use the radiator in the baby's room? Could I get away with making sure he is dressed warmly if the weather is cold or putting a safe portable heater in the room that's not close to the cot?

I feel like this is a really dumb question, but this is the first time I have ever lived in a flat with radiators and I'm just not sure about these things. This is also my first baby. Thanks in advance for your help.
we have never had the radiator on in our room and the temp has never dropped below 18 degrees, which is what the recommend. It is generally 21 degrees in there, and our LO now sleeps in a 1 tog sleeping bag and she is plenty warm enough (although i think she is a warm baby!)

So I would get a room thermometer and switch the radiator off - you can always add a blanket if you need to. Remember to check baby's temp by touching their chest not hands or face as these will be cold.
My boys room is pretty small, although his cot doesn't touch the radiator. I've never put it on either, not just because of it getting too hot but because I painted it with rad paint and no matter how long I leave it on with the windows wide open, it stinks!! :lol:
The room is actually the perfect temp without it on. I agree with Sass, get a room thermometer :D
i never hav the heating on while millie is sleeping. if the room is between 16 and 20 degrees (im suprised at how chilly that feels!) its fine as long as they hav clothes/blankets or whatever.

i'd just turn the radiator off if the cot is right up against it.
Our cot is against the rad too and we have it low as our room can get quite chilly but we have moved her a few inches from it and shes fine and its low enough so she doesnt get burnt.

You have just got to be careful.
If you need to have the radiator on you could put LO at the other end of the cot to the radiator, especially in the early days when they aren't able to move themselves around you should be fine.
We live in a flat too. My Sons cot is next to the radiator (Pic below)


and we have the rad on but we have the heating on a timer so it comes on at 6am and goes off at 9am & then comes back on at 5pm and goes off about 9pm which keeps the place nice and warm and Harrisons room isn't too hot when he goes to bed, we also have a thermostat so we can turn it up or down. I don't think you should turn the radiator off but maybe as others have suggested get a thermometer but a relatively good one, I've had a few before but for the bath and they've been rubbish.
Thanks for the responses ladies! This is good news....I was really starting to worry about where we were going to put the baby.

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