Morning Ladies.
Am currently being induced as we have had a few episodes of reduced movement. Have been on monitor for a while now. Just been examined to see which method I needed. Didnt need the tape as midwife could easily have broken my waters!!! So have currently got the gel in as we speak.
Have had a few tightnings.
Shall keep you updated when I can
Blimey......shall keep it brief.....literally. At 5pm when they checked ne I was only 3cm dilated. Been having lots of contractions and no pain relief.
Transferred over to labour ward at around 7ish. Gas and air became my best friend!!! I was checked at around 8pm and was still only 3cm so my waters were broken. Then the pain really hit. I waa demanding pethidine....never got it tho lol. I started to become very sleepy and insisted on laying was back to back!!!
At 10pm I was checked again and was around 5cm. Midwife started to run pool for me. I waddled down there. As soon as I got in the room I had the most overwhelming urge to push. Got into the pool and I really really needed to push. By 10.30pm by baby girl came slithering out. I was in massive shock as I went from 5cm to delivering in less than 30 minutes.
Had delayed cord clamping but started to lose blood. They transferred me out and onto bed. Hubby in hysterics by this point as had just become daddy. Got onto bed and placenta was delievered naturally. Baby went onto breast straight away. Was still losing blood in little gushes. Got transferred back to my original room. Laid flat and it all kicked off. Had about 5 midwives in with me. I was having a post partum haemmorage!!! Had a dose of ergometrine....stung like hell. Catheter inserted and a drip started. Thankfully with the ergometrine it calmed down!!!
Can safely say that all is well. Still on labour ward for observations!!
My beautiful baby girl arrived at 10.30pm on 12th March 2015. Weighing a very healthy 7lbs5oz. Lily is doing amazing and has since been on the boob twice more. Midwife is very impressed with her. Shall update with pics when I can!!!
Am currently being induced as we have had a few episodes of reduced movement. Have been on monitor for a while now. Just been examined to see which method I needed. Didnt need the tape as midwife could easily have broken my waters!!! So have currently got the gel in as we speak.
Have had a few tightnings.
Shall keep you updated when I can
Blimey......shall keep it brief.....literally. At 5pm when they checked ne I was only 3cm dilated. Been having lots of contractions and no pain relief.
Transferred over to labour ward at around 7ish. Gas and air became my best friend!!! I was checked at around 8pm and was still only 3cm so my waters were broken. Then the pain really hit. I waa demanding pethidine....never got it tho lol. I started to become very sleepy and insisted on laying was back to back!!!
At 10pm I was checked again and was around 5cm. Midwife started to run pool for me. I waddled down there. As soon as I got in the room I had the most overwhelming urge to push. Got into the pool and I really really needed to push. By 10.30pm by baby girl came slithering out. I was in massive shock as I went from 5cm to delivering in less than 30 minutes.
Had delayed cord clamping but started to lose blood. They transferred me out and onto bed. Hubby in hysterics by this point as had just become daddy. Got onto bed and placenta was delievered naturally. Baby went onto breast straight away. Was still losing blood in little gushes. Got transferred back to my original room. Laid flat and it all kicked off. Had about 5 midwives in with me. I was having a post partum haemmorage!!! Had a dose of ergometrine....stung like hell. Catheter inserted and a drip started. Thankfully with the ergometrine it calmed down!!!
Can safely say that all is well. Still on labour ward for observations!!
My beautiful baby girl arrived at 10.30pm on 12th March 2015. Weighing a very healthy 7lbs5oz. Lily is doing amazing and has since been on the boob twice more. Midwife is very impressed with her. Shall update with pics when I can!!!
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