Race For Life

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Im seriously considering doing it cos I think it will be a great incentive to get back into shape after bubs arrives (hopefully) very soon!

Is there anyone else in Liverpool who is thinking of doing it cos its always more fun to do this sort of thing with others?
where abouts do they do them and when are they hun?

Here is the website about it


they hold 5k runs all over the country. Its in aid of cancer research and its a womans only fundraising event.
Its really good fun and a great atmosphere and everyone is there for the same reason - its all laid back and no pressure to run or anything as a lot of people walk. I did it last year....not in liverpool so cant do it with ya but you should definately go for it!
Do you think they will let you do it pregnant, i suppose they shoulsn't if your only walking and theres no pressure to run????
ppl did it preggers when i did mine.
They started the runners off first and the walkers went a bit after so they werent in the runners way etc to avoid people bashing into each other - it was really well organised and everyone just went at their own pace - I know some courses are ok for wheelchair users - it really was no pressure to run and it was really relaxed and so much fun - and like Debbie says you get a real sense of achievement - you even get a medal! :D
Yeah no harm doing it when PG so long as everything has been ok for you, but just take it easy, stick with the walkers. :hug:
Im going to do it this year...was gonna do it with mia in the buggy :dance:

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