Quinny Buzz 2007

Magic Monkey

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I bought a Buzz in Jan and got the 2007 model - so only 1 seat. I emailed Quinny this morning to ask if it is possible to get the larger seat and they told me to go back to where I bought it and they will order me one for free!

They are also sending me the harness extension kit for free.

So, if you have a 2007 model, you should be able to get the bigger seat for nothing, thought I would share the good news!!
I didn't know there was a bigger seat. I bought mine in December so probably wouldn't get a replacement. I'm going to email them about the extender kit though because it's as loose as it can go now. Did you just email the contact section on the Quinny website? xx
Yeah and they e mailed back within about 10 minutes, although they have only just come today and they aren't very long, so I still think we will have to rethink when Ella gets older. (We already have them as long as they will go!)

It isn't actually an extra seat, it is just a seat fabric (I have now discovered). I haven't got mine yet, but from looking at the display model the other day, it looks like it is a less padded fabric that goes under the seat we have, so that you can remove the thick padding when they get bigger (does that make sense?).

It may be worth asking in the place where you bought it, when I went into John Lewis I hadn't even finished telling the bloke and he knew what I was going to say, so they have obviously had a lot of people asking for them.
Woo hoo! I emailed Quinny and asked for the harness extension and they emailed back to ask me to contact the place I got it from and ask them to order me the extension kit and the enlarged seat fabric FOC. I've just ordered it - thanks for the tip! The only thing I'm not looking forward to it changing the seat fabric; the woman on the phone said it's a pain in the a**e trying to change it, but I'm happy I got it sorted :cheer:

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