Quick Questions


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Just wondering how long it took you all to get pregnant?
(persuming you were trying that is!)

i have been trying 6 months now and AF turned up today so just wanted to have a nosey and find out!!

Hope everyone is well :D
:oops: Only 2 months, sorry! But the lady next to me at work took 3 years. She ended up having scans to monitor her egg cycle as they couldn't understand what was going on, then one day she went for one of her routine scans and the egg had implanteditself without any intervention, she now has two gorgeous kids a boy and a girl!
I started panicking that there was something wrong, but I guess it just took time for my body to return to normal after coming off the pill.
yeah i know - the pill is probably still coming out of my system but if i havent concieved in a year i think i am going to go to the doctors!!! :pray:
It took us 3 days after my implanon was removed the last time but think it was just a fluke as it took 10 months this time around :roll: Keep your chin up hun, it's the most frustrating time ever. Every month seems to take a life time but remember, you will get there and it's well worth the wait :hug:
We weren't trying for a baby infact I thought I was infertile!!
I had a serious infection a few years ago and was told that it would more then likely be impossible for me to ever have children.
I was put on the pill to try and calm down my heavy periods (they were so painful every month I used to puke up!!) but I came off it after a year because me and my OH thought that it was effecting our love life as I was never in the mood and I fell pregnant a month after coming off the pill which to me is a freakin' miracle! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I had a couple of happy accidents before, but it took me 4 years (to the very day!) to fall pg with this one. I saw a doctor, was given a strip of clomid and was pg within 10 days.
3 months for me..... it took my friend over a year!
Took us 9 months after coming off the pill. Don't worry, as you can see from all the posts, it varies quite a lot. :hug:
i can't give u an exact figure. i wasn't actively trying to have a baby, but we didn't alwas use contraception. My cycles are very very very irregular and extremely long. it was pot luck.

here is my story:
i was diagnosed with PCOS last year, then this year my new doctor told me i didn't have it, it was a bit of a roller coaster for me... anyway i do have a few cysts in my ovaries but not the actual syndrome. I wasn't actively trying to get pregnant but because of what i had been told, i decided not to use contraception in case it slowed down the whole process. i knew getting pregnant before i get married would get me in trouble with my parents but they didn't know what i had gone through with my diagnosis so I thought to myself 'if it happens, if i get pregnant, i'll take it as a blessing'. and a few weeks after i got told i didn't actually have PCOS , i concieved. it was a shock but i was over the moon.

do u have a specific problem? like PCOS or endrometiosis or anything like that? have u been to a fertility expert? a couple is considered infertyle if they have been trying for about a year and nothing happens i think. so ur still ok, just keep having lots and lots of sex, it will happen soon :hug:
I concieved the first month of trying. x x x
It took us almost 2 years this time, we'd just been prescribed clomid as it was discovered I have mild PCOS which could have been causing my veerryy irregular cycles, when we found out about this little miracle! :hug:
I came off the pill at Christmas and got pregnant in August. We'd only being really 'trying' since the May though, so I guess four months.

Good luck Miss G, it WILL happen!
thanks girls for the info!! :D

shhh...but my so called 'period' stopped yesterday it was only when i wiped it was a pinky colour and then from then...NOTHING!!! But shhhhh....she may be on her way, must cross my legs make sure she cant get in :wink: :rotfl:
Hey Honey, hope your well

I came off the pill in october after 15 years and found out i was preggers on march 22.

Hope this helps, and good luck :hug: :hug:
MissGobby said:
yeah i know - the pill is probably still coming out of my system but if i havent concieved in a year i think i am going to go to the doctors!!! :pray:

That was my plan, to give it a year, then go to the docs, but luckily I didn't need to. It's very frustrating though isn't it! Every month my period came I cursed my body!!! I'm sure you are just the same as I was, and you'll get there soon :hug:
Only took us 2 months which I was very surprised at :shock:

Everyone is different honey, I wouldn't worry too much or put too much pressure on yourself :hug:

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