Quick Q about no of weeks predgnant??


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hi ladies, just popping over from 1st trimester to ask a quick q.
I like reading thinkgs about each week of pregnancy and this may sound stupid but are you in week 10 when your like 9+2 etc or 10+ 2? I assumed it was 10+ but then are you not in your 11th week???

Hmmn not very important i know but bugging me!! :D :?

i'd say you're in your 9th week when your 9 or 9 + something
yeah. your 10 weeks on 3 days pregnant = 10 weeks.

i hate all pregnany like date thiings.... for a start 40 weeks = 10 months not 9!!!!
The one I get emailed sends you the week ahead- so if you are 9w+3 you have laready completed all the progress up to 9w so you are actually in your 10th week because it is those changes that are happening now if that makes sense?
My 'Ready Steady Baby' book (what an awful name!) shows that at 9+2 you are 9 weeks pregnant and in week 10. So if something is describing pregnancy if it says 'week' you are one ahead from if it says 'weeks'. So you are quite right that at 10+ you are in your 11th week. The book is given out by the midwife at the first appointment in Scotland, I don't know if you get it in England. It's on page 5.
rachelandjarvis said:
yeah. your 10 weeks on 3 days pregnant = 10 weeks.

i hate all pregnany like date thiings.... for a start 40 weeks = 10 months not 9!!!!
actuly 9 months is almost exactly 40 weeks because a month is normaly about 4 1/2 weeks...
Marmite said:
rachelandjarvis said:
yeah. your 10 weeks on 3 days pregnant = 10 weeks.

i hate all pregnany like date thiings.... for a start 40 weeks = 10 months not 9!!!!
actuly 9 months is almost exactly 40 weeks because a month is normaly about 4 1/2 weeks...

yeah i do know that. But a month is also 4 weeks, so when counting 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 etc theres 10 fours in 40 weeks.

obviosuly i know the propper way.

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