Quick help please!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Seb's poorly, really poorly, his poo is just basically water, he's being sick and he's got a temp. We have a doc appointment later but he can't eat. Should I be worried that he only wants water? It's so upsetting to see my baby like this :( he's retching so much his eyes are bloodshot and he's just lying on my knee. I know he's really sick because when I changed his bum he just lay there instead of his usual wriggling and laughing :( he's still smiling but he's not himself! Also, can I give calpol and calprofen?
When Tegan was Poorly the other week she went off her milk completely the doctor told me she'd be fine Aslong as she was drinking water they also told me i could give Calpol 4 times a day and nufofen 3 times a day really hope Sebs better soon xx
Calpol because ibuprofen makes the stomach worse (doctor ol me wen liv was ill) when you go to the doctors ask for rehydrating salts, can't remember the name though sorry. These really helped liv get better, she couldnt keep anything in either end and these perked her up no end whilst she wouldn't have her milk. Hope this helps a little Hun x
Thanks guys :) it's absolutely horrific seeing him like this!!!!!
Aww Hun I don't really know but didn't want to read and run. They say to keep them hydrated as much as possible so i suppose if he can keep water down that's good for him. Hope he feels better soon :hug:
Waters the only thing he can keep down :( thanks for your reply x he's asleep right now after being awake for 30 minutes :(
They might not give you anything when you visit the doctors. Paige was like this for a week and didn't even wee for 24 hours but they still did naff all. If he's taking water then thats a good sign but if you say hes not eating and being very lathargic then they might take notice (it might just be my area thats crap with children!). I really hope he gets better soon :hug: Paige slept a majority of the time when she was really ill, as its the best way of converving energy and fighting it off.
Oh no :( poor Paige!!!! I really hope they give us something! I can't possibly do another night like last night!!!!!
I only say they might not as when we went to the hospital the woman said they had to be over 12 months before they could have the rehydrating stuff, but then some girls on here have got it for their LOs so theres still hope. Poor Seb :( I think Paige was about his age when she had it. Its horrible seeing them so ill. x
Thanks for the heads up chick x I think they're gonna say it's gastroenteritis tbh and say they can't give me anything x
Im hoping that he's got a 24 hour bug, then the worst will be over and he can get on the mend quickly and start gobbling all your lovely meals again :)
My friends baby had something similar and it was rotavirus. Doctor suggested to increase how much yogurt he was eating as it coats the gut. his poo was like yellow water and she had to throw away so many clothes :(

Hope Seb is better soon xxx

My friends baby had something similar and it was rotavirus. Doctor suggested to increase how much yogurt he was eating as it coats the gut. his poo was like yellow water and she had to throw away so many clothes :(

Hope Seb is better soon xxx

That's exactly what Seb's poos are like! Exactly! And they STINK! Vomit inducing stink!

Aw thanks Melio x I hope it's a 24 hour thing too!
My friends baby had something similar and it was rotavirus. Doctor suggested to increase how much yogurt he was eating as it coats the gut. his poo was like yellow water and she had to throw away so many clothes :(

Hope Seb is better soon xxx

That's exactly what Seb's poos are like! Exactly! And they STINK! Vomit inducing stink!

Aw thanks Melio x I hope it's a 24 hour thing too!
I hope it's not that as it took well over a week to go :(
Oh no :( just phoned docs to see if anyone has cancelled as his apt isn't until 4.30 but no joy!
My friends baby had something similar and it was rotavirus. Doctor suggested to increase how much yogurt he was eating as it coats the gut. his poo was like yellow water and she had to throw away so many clothes :(

Hope Seb is better soon xxx

That's what liv had for 10 days was horrible x

Oh no! Really hope it's not that! His temp has finally come down with ibuprofen and paracetamol :( he's had a couple oz of milk and kept it down x
Thanks so much guys x love how much support there is here :D
Bless him, it's gut wrenching to see them like that. Hope the doctor gives you something and he's feeling better soon Hun xxx

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