Quick hello


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Hay ladies have you missed me lol

Well I haven't been on for a while because I haven't really felt up to it. I have been ill constantly for a few weeks. It started off with a tummy bug then a cold and I am just getting over a water infection.

I can't believe I am 20 weeks now wooohoooo half way there. I have finally gone out and bought some stuff for the baby.

I had my scan yesterday but they couldn't see what the sex was so I have a private appointment booked for tomorrow. Its going to cost 45 pound. Will let you all know asap.

Right im off to catch up on a few weeks of cleaning and washing. SPeak to you all soon.
Sorry to hear that you've been feeling unwell, but glad you're better now. Glad also that the scan went well. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
glad the scan went well and you are feeling better :hug:
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather for a while. Glad you are feeling better, but remember not to do too much housework, look after yourself. xxx
God that sounds horrible. Glad you feeling a bit better. And glad scan went well.
Glad your feeling better :hug:

The midwife thinks I've got a water infection but our doctors is flooded so my appointment has been cancelled and I've been wating a week and a half as it is :x
frangelle said:
Glad your feeling better :hug:

The midwife thinks I've got a water infection but our doctors is flooded so my appointment has been cancelled and I've been wating a week and a half as it is :x

Is there a walk in clinic at your local railway station or even a pharmacist nearby who could prescribe you something? A week and a half seems a long time to have to wait with an infection.

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