Questions about scan

madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Do I need to go with a full bladder? What actually happens and what are the chances that if they can't see much, of having to have an internal ultrasound?

I have no idea seeing as I had to call the hospital and actually find out when the appointment was as my mw never called me and I haven't had anything in the post telling me where to go or what to do?! :evil:

I am just getting a bit nervous now and panicking about all sorts of things :(
Hey you!
i did go with a full bladder, but the sonographer told me to empty it to get the baby to move from her curled up position, they did my scan with the scanny thing on my tummy, not internal, im assuming thats the same for everyone, i bet your so excited!!!
its the rsch your going too isnt it?
Some advise you drink a pint of water before going but others don't say anything. For scans 0-20 weeks you need a full bladder, come 20 weeks they can see find whether you have a full or empty bladder. It's an idea to have a drink beforehand (an hour before) as you can always go pee while there if they want you to empty just can't fill it on request I suppose. I didn't go with a full bladder and my scan was just fine.

Good luck, hope you find out the gender (if you want to know!) xx
I was told not to drink extra fluid for my 20 week scan, but I've read on here that some others were told to fill their bladder.
I guess if you do drink the extra fluid, you could always emptying it out if it's too full for the scan.
I have read somewhere that if a tummy scan is not clear enough, an internal ultrasound may be needed, but I think at this stage, a tummy scan is fine.
Good luck with your scan!
I was told on my 12 weeks scan that I had to empty my bladder, not sure about the others but I see the other ladies running for the toilet before their scans, their bumps are big so maybe empty bladder for all?
Thank you!

Saff - yep, off to rsch, going to get there about half hour early as it's always a nightmare to park there!

I was just thinking that if I went in with a full bladder and they start pressing on my belly I am likely to wee myself!!
yea parking is rubbish there, especially now with all the building work going on, im excited for you, make sure you enjoy every second of it,
what do you think your having? whats ur instinct?
saffs xxxxxxxx
I didn't go with a full bladder and I wasn't told too either.

Have fun at your scan and no hanging about afterwards, we want you straight on here telling us if your having a little man or a little lady (I think your having a boy) :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
I have no idea!! I haven't got a feeling either way with LO is so it will be exciting to see.

And don't you worry, I will be straight on here letting the world know!
Good luck madam bully. My 20 week scan letter says you do not need a full bladder. Get loads of piccies so we can have a look.

Take care
madam bully said:
I have no idea!! I haven't got a feeling either way with LO is so it will be exciting to see.

And don't you worry, I will be straight on here letting the world know!

What time is your scan? Oooh it's so exciting!!! It's not even my scan and I really can't wait to find out how you get on :dance: :dance: :dance:
Our tri 1 days seem like such a long time ago now don't they? :D
I was told I didn't need a full bladder but as long as it isn't empty. It takes longer than the first scan, as they take measurements and check everything in more detail. When I had my second scan with Caitlin I couldn't believe how huge she was compared to the first one, she was doing bunny hops it was so cute!
My scan is tomorrow I can't wait!! :cheer: :cheer:
I had to have a full bladder for both the 13 and 20 week scan.But when i went for my 4d appointment at 26 i didnt have too and the baby was really clear.

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