questions about all of your babies


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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because me and annabelle wanted to know ;p

1. How old is your baby

2. what size clothes are they wearing

3. random but how many burps do they do roughly after a feed? and how long do you wind them for?

4. what do they eat? such as brand if form etc. any supplements (infacol etc)

5. whats their routine if any?

Hello - What about Annabelles routine??!!
Amelia is 6 weeks on Tuesday
She has just moved into 0-3 months she is 8lb 11oz
Usually one burp and 10 minutes ish
Cow and Gate comfort
I wake her at 7 am and feed and then she is rough;y feeding every three hours ish. She will have a feed at 7pm and an ounce at 9pm and then sleep...usually sleeps until 2-3am has a 2-3oz feed and back to sleep, until I wake at 7pm. Need to start a proper bed time routine but Grandparents are visiting from Canada and need cuddles as wont see her for another year. Starting on Wednesday...wish me luck!!
Liv is 15 weeks Tuesday

She was 13lb 6oz at 13 weeks and is getting weighed Tuesday

She's on sma staydown and occasionally dentinox

She does one huge burp and I wind her for about 5 minutes after the first burp.

She's in a mix of 0-3 month and 3-6 month clothing.

Her routine is bath at 9 bottle after, bed at half 9 - 10. Wakes up at 8 for a bottle. Awake for 5 minutes then goes back to sleep till 10. Has 3 naps throughout the day and plays the rest of the time x

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Paige is 8 weeks
She has just moved into 0-3months but theyre still quite big on her, shes 9lb 7oz
Shes on SMA gold
I wind her after every oz (sometimes 2oz as shes getting good with wind now :) ) and she'll do one big burp between each oz
Paige usually wakes between half 7/8, then is fed every 3 hours from whenever she wakes up, after each feed she will have a little play then a little nap. She will have a short nap, then long nap, then short nap ect, so 2 long naps each day whilst the others are just cat naps. Then at half 7 she will have a bottle, then a bath, then Ill take her upstairs with just a tiny light on and give her another small bottle then put her to bed. More often than not she'll be asleep at 9 then go through until 4/half 4, have a small bottle then asleep straight away :)

How about little annabelle? :)
Ok i will do Belles!

shes OMG 9 weeks
she weighs around 12lb
she eats cow n gate first milk with infacol
she does about 3 plus burps bless her. she finds it so hard to bring her wind up
takes me ages sometimes.
shes in newborn and 0-3 month clothes but most 0-3 are big!
her routine is 5 ounces every 3 hours. an hour nap in morn, 2 hours in after noon. bedtime is bath bottle bed by 7pm, wakes at 1am'ish for a feed, then again at 5ish. then we get up between 7 and 8am when she and i chat in bed and play music every morn haha xx
whoah just realised annabelle weighs loads hahah little chub!!
Rite, my little boy is just over 7 weeks
hes in 0 -3 but will be out of them in about a week?! (hes REALLY long)
1/2 burps normally - sometimes none, takes about 10 mins, but hes hell for winding!
hes on SMA gold and gripe water
Not much of a routine to be honest! Or no routine at all lol. He feeds every 3 hours from about 7 am until about midnight and sleeps in between. At 7am he will also go straight back down until the next feed. Then throughout the day he basically sleeps if he feels like it?
1. How old is your baby? 15 weeks (3 month +) Riley weighs near a stone now

2. what size clothes are they wearing? 3-6 month

3. random but how many burps do they do roughly after a feed? and how long do you wind them for? about 1-3 big burps, and about 5-10 minutes.

4. what do they eat? such as brand if form etc. any supplements (infacol etc) Aptamil Hungry Baby, did have some infacol about a month or so ago but not needed it since.

5. whats their routine if any? up at 6-7, play, feed, play, morning nap. feed at 9-10, play, maybe another catnap, feed at 12-1, play, feed at 3-4, play time, ickle nap again, bath time, last feed at 7-8, falls asleep straight away, and it starts all over again :)

dreading when Riley starts teething though!
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1. How old is your baby? Ethan is nearly 17 weeks.

2. what size clothes are they wearing? 6-9 months and some 9-12!

3. random but how many burps do they do roughly after a feed? and how long do you wind them for? 3-4 burps , i burp him halfway through and at the end of each feed for about 5mins.

4. what do they eat? such as brand if form etc. any supplements (infacol etc) Cow and gate comfort milk. I give him teetha granules now and again when his teeth bother him.

5. whats their routine if any? Awake at 7am roughly for feed and play. he feed every 2 1/2 - 3 hours during the day and has 2-3 sleeps. Has a bath at about 6.30pm and last feed then falls asleep straight away and stays asleep throughout the night till 7am.
1. How old is your baby? Cahal is 7 weeks old.

2. what size clothes are they wearing? 0-3 months, he last weighed 9lb 5oz but that was 2 weeks ago now

3. random but how many burps do they do roughly after a feed? and how long do you wind them for? Normally 1 big burp then 2-3 smaller ones over about 5 minutes of burping, although he often has a burp halfway through too!

4. what do they eat? such as brand if form etc. any supplements (infacol etc) Just breast milk!

5. whats their routine if any? Awake at 7am for a feed then snoozes til about 9 when he feeds again. Then he's wide wake til about 2pm with 2 feeds in between. Sleeps til about 4, then has another feed, and another at 6. Quick nap til about 8 then it's bath, cuddles and quiet time, and final feed before bed between 9:30-10pm. He wakes for a feed at about 1am and 5am and then we do it all again! Just realised he's nearly always feeding lol!!
Austin is 6 weeks today

A week ago he weighed 11lbs 8ozs, all his 0-3 clothes are a squeeze (so much stuff unworn!) 3-6 month stuff is not baggy at all.

He's breastfeeding, and I probably burp him 50% of the time, sometimes he has one, sometimes not.

He's got no routine, never really sleeps for more than 2 1/2 hours.
1. How old is your baby
Ava-Mai is now 10 weeks old! :shock:

2. what size clothes are they wearing
She weighed 10lb 15oz last Wednesday and is in 0-3 size clothes

3. random but how many burps do they do roughly after a feed? and how long do you wind them for?
I wind her for how ever long it takes unless SHE FALLS ASLEEP :wall2:She usually does one big burp when i can get them up after abot a minute then tiny ones, maybe one or two. i burp her half way through a feed then again at the end.

4. what do they eat? such as brand if form etc. any supplements (infacol etc) Ava-Mai has SMA stage 1 milk, she has between 5-6oz every four hours but if she doesn't want it i wait until she's hungry. She has 4 drops of colief in every feed

5. whats their routine if any?
Ava normally wakes up around 7 has her feed then goes back asleep for an hour or 2 after we have a play and chat. She is then up and dressed, goes in her bouncer while i do her bottles. She has a bath between 7-8 then a feed before she is taken upstairs to go to bed. If she wakes up again around midnight she will have another feed then but she is starting to sleep through from around 9 after she finishes her feed :)
grr I just finished typing out a really long post and my battery went so I lost it all :wall: Here's my 2nd try!

1. Morgan is 8 weeks old today :yay:

2. he's wearing newborn size but Im hoping to try on his 0-3 clothes next week cos he's got so many nice clothes ready in that size!

3. I wind him until he's brought it up. You can tell with him if he's got a burp to do. He can do up to 3 burps per feed but sometimes he doesnt do one and just falls asleep so I leave it and he's fine.

4. He has SMA ready to drink milk with colief drops in. He also breast feeds and I am now trying to wean him off the formula, but he's not impressed with this plan cos he's greedy and doesnt want to work for his milk!

5. He doesnt have a day time routine but has a strict bedtime routine. He has a bath with johnsonbs bedtime baby bath and then comes back into his bedroom which is warm cos Ive set the heating to come on for half an hour around his bedtime. I dont put hte main light on after his bath, just his lamp. He has a massage with baby oil and gets his PJs on which have been warming on the radiator during his bath. He has a bottle feed in his bedroom on the rocking chair (he only has nightime feeds here so he knows the difference). I swaddle him then he either has a cuddle or a breastfeed depending on what he wants. We rock on the chair until he starts to look drowsy and when his eyes are dropping and then I put him in his crib and leave the room. Throughout this routine I play this CD and I leave it playing when I leave the room so he just falls asleep to it.

He sleeps really well with this routine but if I skip anything he doesnt. Last night he was already asleep downstairs so I tried just putting him in his crib and he just kept crying for me to come back up so we did the routine and he stayed asleep :yay:

In the morning when Im ready to get up he comes to my bed for a feed so this signals the start of the day and he knows he doesnt have to go back to sleep after his feed.
1. How old is your baby - Ella is 3 weeks and 1 day old (although born 4 weeks premature so 39 weeks gestation).

2. what size clothes are they wearing - She is wearing early baby clothes (up to 7.5lbs) as she currently weighs under 6lbs.

3. random but how many burps do they do roughly after a feed? and how long do you wind them for? Loads of burps - we wind her until she doesn't seem grouchy if we lay her back down- normally takes about 3-5 mins in the middle and then at the end of her feed.

4. what do they eat? such as brand if form etc. any supplements (infacol etc) - As she was premature, she struggled to breast feed and while in SCBU she didn't seem to get on with the high st brands of formula so she has a formula called Neocate on prescription which is great because it means feeding her will be free until she is on solids. The pharmacist told me it costs £25 per tin to order in and she gets through more than a tin a week so good job it's on prescription!

5. whats their routine if any? She is on a 4 hour routine - she stirs, has nappy changed and feeds within an hour and then sleeps for 3 hours and that is the same both night and day.
aww sounds like Ella is coming on a treat hun and that's so lucky about the presciption formula!! xx
yeah deffo :) hehe, she's gorgeous btw xxxx
-finley is 10 weeks old 2moro
-still some 0-3 months but mostly 3-6 months now
-he weighs around 13lb got 2 get him weighed next week
-i wind him half way most of the time i get a good burp but if he's 2 hungry he just wants 2 carry on feeding. but always get 1 at the end
-he wakes at 6/7, bottle around 8 he feeds around every 3 to 4 hours. his sleeps during the day vary depending if we go out or not. but i have 2 make sure he's had a sleep by 10 am else he gets really grumpy and crys 4 ages.
at night time bath at 7, then bottle bed at 8 and goes straight asleep
-o and he has around 5/6 ounces and has sma gold and infacol before every feed
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