Question xx


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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Hya everyone i found out on friday that i was pregnant, what happens at your first appointment with the midwife?? can anyone help me please im nervous xx:whistle:
Am also interested in this as I've been wondering too. :) x x
Think it can be different depending on where you live.

Mostly questions and paper work, they will prob dip stick your pee to check for infection and take some blood samples, possibly arrange your scan too, thats all that happened at mine last time.
Thanks Nurse, looking forward to it all. :) x x
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Mine was lots of forms to fill in, she asked me lots of questions about mine & OH's family history, gave me my first Bounty pack and answered any questions I had :)
I've just had my first appointment with the midwife. It was 25 minutes long - lots of form filling, took blood (3 tubes) and urine sample, measured blood pressure. I am 9w+4 - so she also booked me in for a dating & nuchal fold scan and a glucose tolerance test. The nuchal fold test is because I am old (35) and the glucose tolerance test is because I am fat (BMI 31).

I didn't have any chance to ask any questions. The appointment was far too short in my opinion - we were only done in time because I had already done a urine sample and filled out a few of the forms. I have a horrible feeling I would have been shuffled out whether we were done or not. 45 minutes would have been better.

The midwife seemed perfectly pleasant - just utterly harassed (we were interrupted twice!). Maybe the next appointment will be less time pressured.

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