I have been told that the baby is very low, that they couldn't feel any of the head at all. Does this mean the baby is engaged? Also if the babys head is engaged does that mean labour isn't far away? Just I read that 2nd babies dont engage till there ready to come.
Here is the rant. I am really confused. When I went into hospital wednesday night with contractions I had one doctor say that if baby was born now he wouldd be really really poorly and could spend upto 6 weeks in hospital and if I went into labour they WILL try and stop it. I had another doctor today tell me the complete oposite. She said I had the steriod injections over a week ago so if I went into labour they would leave me. Im really confused. I know baby is better where he is for longer but whats going to happen if I do go into prem labour. I really dont know what to expect, will baby be ok or will he be very very poorly. Im really scared and advice or info would be very much appriated.
Here is the rant. I am really confused. When I went into hospital wednesday night with contractions I had one doctor say that if baby was born now he wouldd be really really poorly and could spend upto 6 weeks in hospital and if I went into labour they WILL try and stop it. I had another doctor today tell me the complete oposite. She said I had the steriod injections over a week ago so if I went into labour they would leave me. Im really confused. I know baby is better where he is for longer but whats going to happen if I do go into prem labour. I really dont know what to expect, will baby be ok or will he be very very poorly. Im really scared and advice or info would be very much appriated.