Question for FEE FEE


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hey, Just wondering when your c section date is? I know you have a countdown ticker but I cant work it out! :wall:

I was just wondering how soon before your due date they plan c sections for.... :think:

Hope you are ok :hug:

Piglet xx

A FAO for me 8)

Erm anyway lol

I go in on the 8th of August to see my surgeon and he is planning on doing it the week after so i will 37 weeks, they daren't risk me going into labour so are doing it earlier rather than later,
Chances are it will be around the 15th i think and i am KAKKING it :?
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Love your LO name by the way, very traditional and strong sounding
I'm sure you will be fine, it must be great to know when you're going to meet LO.

I have an appointment Thurday am to talk to my doc about getting me to see a consultant to try and have a c-section. I just wondered how early they tend to do them when they are planned.

I bet you are well excited - August is hardly any time away! :hug:

Piglet xx
mrs_tommo22 said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Love your LO name by the way, very traditional and strong sounding

Thanks Mrs :D
We were going to have Daniel Harry David and realised that we knew about 15 Dannys!! So that was that out the window :wall:
So then we just went with James and as he gets bigger and nearer to being born its getting more to be Jamie and even Jamesy lol

Piglet said:
I just wondered how early they tend to do them when they are planned.

Depending on your reason for section and also the complications is to when they will do a elective section is as far as i am aware, because of my very traumatic and horrendous first delivery they are worried that i might go into spontaneous labour and are pulling the date forward to 37 weeks, usually they like to do it a week or two later according to my doctor/surgeon,
Either way i'm really scared and worried about infection and mobility after even little things like feeding and will my milk come through ok is a nightmare thought for me
I guess once he's here and my body reacts either in a good way or bad i will deal with it :|

And yes August is really no time at all away, we did the last of our shopping on Friday so all ready now, a couple i know who were due a few days before me had there wee lad today weighing in at 3lb 6oz makes it all the more real that it really is going to be soon :shock:
I'm so sorry to hear that your first delivery was so bad....that you have now opted to change your mind and have a section...i have had four babies and every labour has been hugely first in hospital was awful i was induced and the pain was unbearable...i have never experienced anything like it with any of my others....i remember screaming just kill me i can't bear it....this is not how it is when you are relaxed and things progress naturally.

PLEASE get a copy of birthing from within by Pam England it will help you over come your fears.....if you want any support with this please pm me..its not to late to change your mind....
DO NOT LET FEAR RULE YOU :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

If however i'm waffling on at you and natural delivery is not an option for you my apologies xxxxx
Natural Mamma, i'm not sure if your advice was for me or Piglet so apologies if it isn't for me lol
A natural delivery will never be possible for me ever again they messed me up so bad the first time, i ended up with major complications and still have them to this day and DD is 10 and a half, :(
I am very frightened about the thought of a section and even with everything i went through i'd be tempted to try a natural birth again if it wasn't a case of pretty much suicide :cry:
Fee fee it was meant for you my lovely...listen be brave are you opting for an epidural so you can be awake???

Visualise how you want to feel about it all and your bundle afterwards...This will help your mind have something to focus on.....what is it that scares you in particular ???face it don't let it overwhelm you when you are in the middle of with it now....fear is natural especially during birth we all feel it its how you deal with it that counts.

my top tips to ease things for you
Breath concentrate on your breath you can stay in control with it
Take ARNICA 30c at least if you can get it at 200c in a health food shop get it.This will help with bruising and physical trauma of surgery.
RESCUE remedy take as needed from now
crab apple is also wonderful for fear of the known...

Please p.m me if you'd like further homoepathic advice to help

big hugs :hug: :hug: my thoughts are with you xxxxxxxxx
Fee fee, thanks for all your knowledge. I remember your birth story from before - infact I dont think I could ever forget it! :shock:

Hope I havn't annoyed or offended you by asking you stuff about your planned section, I just wanted as much knowledge as possible before I see my doc.

I think you are very brave and have every confidence you will be just fine! :hug:

Piglet xx
God FeeFee, what happened to you last time? I can't find your birth story - can you give the link? It sounds horrendous. Hope this one is far less traumatic. My friend had a section 4 months ago - at 38 weeks (elective) - baby was breach but turned at last minute but she was actually afraid of a vaginal delivery (her 1st baby was section) so she cried and sobbed to the consultant and was in a right state so they agreed to give her a section. She said the drugs are good now - she was up and about the next day and driving after a week, her recovery was good and no problems. So you see it depends doesn't it? ummmm...... I don't believe in pain and misery so here's hoping all goes well for you. :D
Thanks peachy! It is positive to hear some good out comes every now and then!
Erm i cant actually remember where i wrote about it as it wasn't in new arrivals as DD is now 10 and a half!
I shall look and see if i can find it
Sweet jesus! FeeFee What a horrific experience. Puts my problems last time in perspective. The whole thing was negligence! right down to discharging you and babe from hospital into a homeless situation. What was the hospital social worker thinking of? Makes me angry but it does no good for you now. No wonder you are so apprehensive about this birth. Let me tell you something though..... You are going to have that section and you will be awake and alert, It will be spinal not epidural and you will feel absolutely no pain whtsoever (- you do actually feel some sensation but it is more like someone rumaging around in your handbag than anything else ha ha) Your BP will possibly fall with the spinal anaesthetic but they can easily remedy this and the anaesthetist is right beside you at your head monitoring all your sats. You will see your fully mature healthy baby within minutes and be able to cuddle him/her and babe will go with you into recovery. You will be catheterised but this does not hurt. Afterwards you will be given PCA (Patient controlled analgesia) a morphine based pain killer which is self administered. To start with you will need help to sit up and get out of bed but You will be able to get up the next day because you will be given a suppository of the drug Voltarol (fantastic pain killer) it lasts for hours and within the next 24 hours you will feel so much better. C-section is nowhere near as bad as bowel operations and I promise you you will find it a sinch compared to what you have been through in the past. Take absolutely no notice of me whinging about being afraid of another section - I am just a big baby and if I could be guarenteed the pain killers that everyone else gets I would be happy to have the operation even prefer it to vaginal birth! it is just with high BP they won't give you the pain killers and all I could have was paracetamol for major abdominal surgery!) Listen you are going to be fine this time bet you come back and tell us how good it all was! If you want any more info on what it is like and I can help in any way just sing out. This friend I was telling you about who had the section 4 months ago - she had the baby on the thursday morning and went home on the Saturday morning - good eh? She reckons the drugs have improved since she had her 1st 4 years ago. This is by far the safest and only option for you and you will be fine believe me.
Thanks Peachy for such a long and honest reply, i didn't put all my details in the post but it does give you the bare basics lol
I know i will be fine everything is different this time i'm married to the most amazing man who is my rock and also have the most perfect well behaved child ( most the time ;) )
It's the recovery that is worrying me the most i think, as i am prone to septicemia now and also my lungs collapsed last time due to it which wasn't pleasant!
My surgeon seems to think all will be fine and that he will give me 3 days antibiotics rather than 1 and it will solve the problem, however last time i had to have them specially made for me in the hospital lab he just doesn't seem to be bothered in the slightest and when i met him to go through all these details he sat reading a book eating a KITKAT :twisted:

Guess all i can do is be more aware of my own body and shout that wee bit louder than i did 10 years ago because i DO know better and not to take the negligence i had last time.
hope you dont mind me joining in - i've had 1 face to pubes :rotfl: with 3rd degree tear - and then 2 section (now going for no. 3 section) - a section will be a breeze in comparison to the horror you have had to endure. In relation to milk etc - i had no probs but did ask the sergeon to allow me skin to skin contact for a few mins on delivery - she agreed so long as my bp etc was fine - after they finished me up i then put my dd to my breast in the recovery room and she went like a pro - hope this puts your mind at ease - it is possible to have a c/s and feel like a normal person afterwards - my dd was born at 10.20 on a mon and i was home for lunch on the wed with no complications - massive difference to what i experienced with a 3rd degree whn i coulnt walk/pee/pooh/sneeze/sit/stand without pain for about 6weeks
Annie that is EXACTLY the sorta storys i wanna hear!!! lol

Thanks so much for taking the time to post and reassure me :hug:
My surgeon seems to think all will be fine and that he will give me 3 days antibiotics rather than 1 and it will solve the problem, however last time i had to have them specially made for me in the hospital lab he just doesn't seem to be bothered in the slightest and when i met him to go through all these details he sat reading a book eating a KITKAT

:shock: :shock: :x :x :roll: :roll:

Sounds about right from my experience of consultants! They really are a breed apart.

Fee fee what bug or bugs caused the septacaemia do you know? and do you know what anti-biotic cocktail you were given last time? My husband is a microbiologist and is curious about your case. Anything we can do to help? He works at the Lister Hospital in Stevenage.

That is not to say you will get it again. I very much doubt you will. Prophylatic antibiotics will see to that. The consultant must have antbiotics in mind that will fight your condition either a broard spectrum anti-biotic or ones specifically targeted at a specific bug or bugs. I
To be honest i have no idea, i was just 20 single and half dead when they told me how ill i was lol
I was told the reason i contracted septicemia was due to a anal vaginal fistula and the cuts in my bowels with leaked the fecial matter into my blood steam when they did the episiotomy and forceps delivery at that point they told me i would have the colostomy ( i had no idea what one was and was in no state to argue either ) i was also carrying GSB as i passed this onto DD, i have no idea which antibiotics they gave me as i was told they had to be specially made for me in the labs as my body was resisting everything else they gave me :|
I was so ill i needed 2 blood transfusions before the operation as i would most certainly have died.
All i know is that i was on them for 16 days IV and had to have the canula resited every 24 hours as my veins were collapsing along with my lungs :?
The rest i think i blocked out to be honest :think:

If there is anything that might be worth me looking through my notes to find out then gis a shout and i'll have a butchers :wink:

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