Question about gagging


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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I still get so nervous about giving Jake some finger foods because he gags on them. Like meat, cheese hard fruits and veg. It worries me so much. I know it is a reflex to protect him from choking but it scares and upsets me so much. So much so I try not to give Jake finger foods while we are away from home because I'll just panic and make myself look stupid :oops: :oops:

I feel like Im impeding his progress because of my stupid anxiety :wall:

(on a positive, I bit the bullet today and let Jake feed himself a pot of fromage frais. It was very messy but very funny and he really enjoyed it. You could see how proud he was :D )
It is difficult but at his age he should cope fine. I know when I've cared for babies and toddlers by the time they get to that age its usually difficult to hold them back and they want to eat more and feed themselves. I'd encourage him. Maybe use things like a broccoili floret or some such? Big but he can take the size bites he wants from it. Same with cheese, maybe something like Babybel round ones that he can hold and bite from. I don't know what you are giving him at present so not sure where he is up to with regards to feeding himself finger foods etc.

I'm all for letting LO's feed themselves once they show an interest in doing so. Yes its messy but they usually love it. One little one used to throw her yogurt all over the place in excitement. She did love seeing it hit the wall and go splat :lol: :roll:

If you are really concerned about things why not have someone else there with you the first time you try him on these new foods? Sort of like a back up to help support you and keep you from panicking? I'd ask my Mum or OH if I have those kind of concerns. Build up your confidence along with him :)
Thanks for your reply hun :)

Its me who has the confidence problem :roll: Jake is fine and perfectly able. As for the Babybel, I gave him one but he just stuffed the whole thing into his mouth and tried to chew it whole! Again I paniced and got it out of his mouth- like he was gonna get that caught in this throat :wall:
Tangerinedream said:
Thanks for your reply hun :)

Its me who has the confidence problem :roll: Jake is fine and perfectly able. As for the Babybel, I gave him one but he just stuffed the whole thing into his mouth and tried to chew it whole! Again I paniced and got it out of his mouth- like he was gonna get that caught in this throat :wall:

Awwww bless, the whole Babybel? Impressive :lol: How about you lead and let him follow on that one then? You take a bite from one and hope he follows suit.

I'd seriously look to asking somone you trust to be with you on a few occasions when giving these new foods. Once you've seen how he copes with the food you'll know he'll be ok the next time.
ya no i was thinking about posting a topic like this to. im noticing that im getting very worried about giving ky anything with lumps in. It scares the hell out of me if i give him a rusk to suck on. must be a pain for him as i hover around him finger at the ready to dig out anything that he gags on. :roll: Ive really got to stop it because i want him to get onto solids and not be paranoid because it scars the hell out of me! People say try him with tiny bits of sandwich, banana, veg etc but that almost scares me more as he just tries to swallow it whole instead of chewing. isnt that more likely to get stuck than if he had a big bit that he has no choice but to chew? uuhhhh motherhood is a constant battle with anxieties!
BIG hugs Natalie :hug: :hug: :hug:
You've said it yourself, you just need that little bit of confidence, and maybe some support from OH too, have him sit with you whilst you offer Jake some foods you're not too sure about :)

Isaac's always been given anything as it comes from a young age, he refused the spoon early, and I never did the worried part as just wanted him to get a healthy diet in him however he chose it, but its most important that its fun and Jake is getting different tastes, textures, varied foods, and so if you don't worry too much about it, focus on feeding him a rainbow of foods and just ease into it.

Do you give him breadsticks? Sainsbury's make a tube of mini ones, only 70p or something, they're great finger foods, healthier than biscuits/rusks too :wink: I would try to give him something you're a little weary of every other day, it will be good for him and you, and you will see how he goes and feel very happy about being strong and trusting the situation because you are with him, watching him, and able to deal with any situation :hug:

Very very best wishes, let us know how you go :hug: :hug: :hug:

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