Question about finding out the gender


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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Here they apparantly won't tell you the gender of the baby at the 20 week scan, but we would really like to know. Does anyone know how much a private scan to find out the gender would cost?

Also, does anyone have any experience of using this pink or blue test kit that can find out the gender of the baby from 7 weeks using a blood sample (I think you prick you finger then send the sample off). Or has anyone heard whether it's accurate. I think it costs almost £200!

We really don't mind whether it's a boy or girl, and I can't decide which I'd prefer. I'm just impatient :lol:
OH is saying that he would like to find out before it's born because if it's a girl we might have to divide James' bedroom in two to make an extra room.
i think most private scanning places charge about £60 for a gender scan... but that's only in 2d aswell, so it would just be the standard black and white scans and not the 4d xx
those gender tests have received such a slating hunny, personally I wouldn't even consider them
I've had a little look around and for a 3d gender scan it's £95 which lasts 15 mins and goes up from there depending on how detailed you want the package

I'm still trying to find details on the prices for just a 2d gender scan, my hospital don't tell you either
I had a 3d sexing scan at baby bond and it cost £120... for 6 pic's a 10min dvd and the gender..
I think it was worth the money :D
Aww I think it's really bad when you can't find out the gender when you want to.

I would be wary of the gender tests though, I just think it is a bit dubious sending that much money. To be honest don't know much about them but would rather pay the money for a private scan cos then at least you get to see baby as well.
Goodness there are so many people from Aberdeenshire on here it seems! :D

There's a place in Broomhill road in town. They charge £75 for a gender scan.

I'd thought about it briefly but to be honest with this being the second one we're alot more prepared......even if its a girl she can live in boys clothes for the first little while!
Thanks for the replies :D I think we'll give the 7 week gender blood test thing a miss. Having googled for reviews it seems they do get it wrong a lot.
Will definately look into a 3D scan later in the pregnancy. £120 seems really reasonable. I thought it would be loads more than that! :cheer: :cheer:
OMG! Just been looking at the Baby Bond web site. That looks amazing! Could get it done in Glasgow for £125 and get a dvd to keep. I really want one in January when I'm around 25 weeks :dance:

ETA: On closer inspection it's £175 to find out gender because it takes longer, but you also get photo's as well as the DVD. Still well worth the money I think :D

sorry but i was desperate to find out when i was pregnant with Evie as she was a little munchkin and hid her privates at the 20 week scan. I seen that gender blood thing and then i read this site which was basically for people trying to campaining to get them banned as they are basically just a 50-50 guess and not scirntifcally reliable at all. if i find it again i'll post it for you.

On the note of a gender scan, there is a place in Perth which does them, and i think they are a lot cheaper than babybond, plus you dont have to travel so far.
this is the link if you want to have a looky: ... rices.html

I had a gender scan at almost 19 weeks at Baby Bond. It cost £79 with 2 x 2D and 2 x 3D pictures. We also got to see baby moving around for a good 10 mins in 4D. It wasn't all that clear as I was a little too early for 4D but it was still much more clearer than 2D. xxxx

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