Q for a friend!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Hi girls :) not from this section lol

a friend of mine (not off here) has recently started ttc

when is the earliest a + would show?? is it like 4 weeks?? i have no clue as i wasnt ttc when i fell pg!!

Thanks :)

Some ladies get a + 4 days before AF is due. Has your friend been keeping an eye on her cycles ( what length they are) If she has then I would say to test at earliest the day AF is due.

Tell her to come and join us lovely lot here we are mad :angel: but lovely :D

Also do you know if she is taking folic acid? it is important to be taking folic acid when ttc if not before starting ttc.

Good luck to her :hug:

**ETA also depending what strength test she uses to if it will show up very early pregnancy **
Thanks hun :) I will tell her to join :)

she doesnt know her cycle, she just come off the pill...i know your meant to have a real period before ttc arent you?? would you class the 'bleed break' in the pill as af???

which tests are best to use for testing early??...

20 questions lol x
yay tell her to join i am the same iv just come off the pill too! iv just had my first AF not including the miscarriage and that wasnt a withdrawal bleed, since i was 14! :shock:

she can start straight away ttc but its easier to get to know the length of your cycles first. i still dont know what my length is coz i cant really count the miscarriage as a period so i'm on first cycle- not knowing the cycle length means i dont know when my fertile window is.

idk when she can test earliest, i am brand new to TTC hehe
OMG i just wrote a big long message and my net froze :(

In short,

I have changed my name...

I was :fib: sorry...its not a friend its me...I think I may be pg, I wasnt ttc..
If I were you, id test tomorrow morming FMU. If BFN then do same in two days time, then two day time etc etc...

Till either ur period shows up, or u get a BFP!!

Im going to be such a POAS-aholic when I start TTC
Ive only really stopped taking it today..just incase, dont know if it can damage a baby, not worth the risk..
My Dr told me that It woudlnt have damaged my baby... as I took the pill for atleast two weeks I was pregnant...! And I drank huge amounts of alcohol in the time before I knew too!

Corey is fine!! Try not to worry to much!

Wait and see if you start bleeding in the next 2-3 days then! :)
sorry noonoo i am being a bit slow today but i am lost.

so your on the pill and you think you may be pg so you stopped taking it today just incase??

what is it thats making you feel pg? have you not had af?? where are you in the packet??

sorry now its me asking 20 q's :hug:
sam27 said:
sorry noonoo i am being a bit slow today but i am lost.

so your on the pill and you think you may be pg so you stopped taking it today just incase??

what is it thats making you feel pg? have you not had af?? where are you in the packet??

sorry now its me asking 20 q's :hug:

its ok i know its confusing..

i just feel it..same as last time with my LO..theres 6 left in the pack...
perhaps give it a couple of days then and see what happens. not sure if i am meant to say fingers crossed as you said you were not ttc?????

i would get yourself a first response if no af shows.

good luck and let us know
Not sure if this is right (I am full high on cold medicines so sorry if sounds stupid but) pg or not would you/she still have the break bleed or not :think:

Like the others have said take a test in a couple of days I would even if you start your break bleed just incase. Also if you really think you are then get some folic acid it would not do any harm even if you are not.

I really hope you get the answer that you want. :hug: :hug: :hug:
i took contraceptive pills while pregnant with both mine and one of them was fine- i dont think it was the pill that caused the m/c either so until u test keep taking the pills or use condoms coz if ur NOT pregnant then ur risking it now by not taking them (unless like me ur of the "not trying but pregnancy is not unwanted either" attitude!)

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