Pyloric stenosis


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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So after R throwing up 100% of his feeds for the last 4 days and dropping below his birth weight again, we ended up at the hospital and they have diagnosed pyloric stenosis, this is where the muscle at the top of the intestine won't let the food past and the only way to fix it is by operation so were off to Southampton tommorrow for this as that is where the children's surgeon is..

This is the worst possible outcome but it does mean that he gets the treatment he needs and he may start feeding properly, I quay even be able to go back to BF so I am told :)

It's been a heartbreaking experience having to deal with the blood tests and him having the tube down his nose.

Sorry for the post ladies I think I just need to vent because it's been so stressful

Awwww Hun am so sorry but at least u know what the problem is and your LO can now have the correct treatment xxx

Omg you poor thing!! I've only ever heard about how rare this is. I hope it all goes well (which I'm sure it will)

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery after the op, will be thinking of you xxxxx
Ow hun, that's tough going there. Poor little chap. At least he has been diagnosed quickly and can be fixed with the operation xxx
Oh gosh, poor little man, poor you! Big hugs and stay strong xxxxx
Awww no poor baba, hope it all goes smoothly and he recovers quickly, big hugs x
Hey glad you've had diagnosis, my oh had this and mil tells me about it all the time. Operation is so easy and straight forward and Lo will put on weight quickly after. Mil continued to Bf after op :) x
Oh hun, I hope he's ok! Watch him go from strength to strength after his operation though!

Get well soon little Riven x
Oh Bellariven sorry to hear this, poor little Riven! But glad you have a diagnosis and there is something that can be done. Hope all goes well xx
Sorry to hear this, but at least it means he'll start to feel better. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
awww hun, so sorry to hear what your LO is going through, but glad you have an answer. Hope he recovers quickly xxx
My niece had this and after a normal recovery time she was feeding like no-ones business x
Aw that's awful for you!! But good that it has even found nice and early. Hope all goes well and you can get back to bf ing xx
hey hun

just wanna send big hugs :hugs:to you hubby and riven and hopefuly all wil be sorted soon, i have pm you back so just to add you can call or xt if you wanna chat as i here for you :) xxx
awww no, I was reading up about this the other day, sounds dreadful and most worrying!...
Glad things will finally get sorted hun, the surgery only involves a small cutting of the muscle apparently this is enough to get it reacting and let food pass? xx Still Scary!!... xx
Awww. Strangely enough I went to see my nan today and she was telling me about my dad when he was a baby and that he had this operation. Apparently one of the nurses said he looked better coming out of theatre than he did when he went in. Good luck xx
Awww sorry to hear this. At least the op will help him, be thinking of you xx

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