putting baby on a schedule


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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i read a baby book and it recommends putting the baby on a 3 hour feeding schedule - we tried for a week and it went well... but since we are travelling we decide to leave it - and go o demand for now. also the what to expect book said a baby under 3 months is to young to go on a schedule. i want to try this later, but when? has any else tried to put heir baby on a schedule?

OP - Youve mentioned a book that we arent allowed to discuss, i've edited the book title out so the post could be approved :)
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hey there
we put our LO on a 'loose' routine from about a month, based on a book which is quite popular-I don't know if I'm allowed to say it though? Anyway, the routine is called 'easy' stands for Eat, Activity, Sleep, You-so baby eats, then has awake time (this used to be less than an hour) sleeps (then you have some time for yourself) and then does it all again. He used to vary between 2-3 hours bewteen feeds. Now at nearly 4 andhalf months he varies between 2 and half -4 hours between feeds. I find it v flexible for us as we like to get out and about and works well for us. I find the approach quite relaxed and the advise from the book v helpful. There are also a few forums I think about it.
Hope that helps a little?
Charley fell into his own 3 hour feed routine but my friend showed me a book to do with routines and mine is very similar to it! I feed him, he stays awake for 1.5-2 hours then naps then it's repeated! He's starting to change his awake/nap routine himself now where he has 2 small naps and 1 big nap in a day but his feedings still every 3 hours!
think i know which book youve been reading lol as i mentioned it and it wasnt supposed to be mentioned. it makes perfect sense what they are saying, but i dont know if the waking them up thing is a good or bad thing? lots of people dont think its a good thing, (im planning ahead for when LO is actually here lol) so not sure. like chaz said, they are more than likely to get themselves into a routine i think and if you do the dark and light thing, they are prob going to get it a bit better, not that i know what im talking about but ive been reading too lol x
I allowed Seb to set his own routine x I don't really see the need to wake him earlier than he wakes up himself x
yeah I agree, I don't ever wake LO up for anything! Unless we have somewhere to go :)
During the day noa does what he wants except i wake him up at 5 -5.30 to start my maraton feed for before bed time. He eats, plays and sleep when he wants during the day tho. Most days we take a walk at 1ish so its sort of falls in to a rutine but he does what he want really.

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