put him back on wysoy lastnight.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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i no it gives him bad belly ache but i cant have him starving himself :(
lastnight i completly broke down as my worst fear came threw, he completly refused to take a bottle screamed when he saw it because of the paintstripper milk, he got so hungry he did nothing but scream and wouldnt stop it was heartbreaking, i toke him to the doctors and hubby shouted alot at them as they refused to see us earlier in the da saying baby will be fine :roll: we got a letter off them so we could take him to hossie but i knew they would put his feeding tube back in and i couldnt handle that again
so i brought him home and made him a bottle of wysoy he was so hungry it hurt him to drink it :cry: :cry:
my poor boy im hoping that the wysoy will be ok today as im never putting him back on the other milk again,
not sure weather or not to take him to hossie now as they dont seem tp understand,
i told the doctor there i cant have him getting a fear of the bottles as its the only bottle and teat he can have i was told not to be silly :evil:
just going to see how it goes, my mother said he is exactly like me as a baby i couldnt have any nice milks so she stopped giving it to me in the day just 1 in the morning and 1 at night and food the rest of the day, told her things have changed and i cant do that now (thats why i weighed 2 stone at 6 months old lol)
i tried putting sugar and jiuce in the other milk but he still wouldnt touch it

sorry for the essay :oops: needed to rant and get it out
that sounds like a nightmare! would it help having the tube back in until the imflamation goes down?

i don't really know anything about this and all the milks available, but surely there must be something they can give him that's going to help.

poor guy, sounds awful :hug:
It sounds like an awful situation, poor Thomas :hug: :hug: :hug: Could you see another doctor for a second opinion?
Dont really have any advice hun sounds like you are trying to deal with this best you can but just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: Hope you get something sorted soon, poor Thomas :hug:
well heshad 5 bottles so far today hes drunk on average 4 oz each bottle and hes not been screaming in pain :?
so im thinking this milk might infact be ok for him and the dr's at the hospital dont no what they are taking about or just dont like him being on the more exspenive to buy stuff,
i only toke him off it lasttime as he was screaming in pain 30 mins after each bottle im thinking he might of just had a belly ache or something :think:
he also demolished 4 tablesppons worth of carrot today so hes still fine on his food
please pray that it lasts and he is infact going to be ok from now on on this milk,
the hv i see yesterday told me to up his food if he cant drink asmuch milk
thanks all

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