Lactose Intolerance


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2006
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My DD was diagnosed with being lactose intolerant at about 4hours old! My DS was the same yet it took 4 weeks in hospital for them to be able to work out what it was :roll: They were both put on SMA Wysoy prescribed by the doctor by son stayed on it up until he was about 2 when i moved him onto normal soya milk when i tried him at 1yr with cows milk he was really ill. but with my DS i put her on cows milk a week ago and she hasnt been ill with it at all but she has been really unsettled since. Has anyone been through it and do you think it could be why she is being unsettled im not sure what to do? :? do i carry on with the cows milk or put her back on the wysoy?

any suggestions much appreciated :)
I have three with lactose intolerence. We had Alex on WySoy to start with but tried normal milk at 4 weeks and he gradually turned into a nightmare. We put him back on WySoy but health visitor says it's not recommended anymore (something to do with the amount of sugar and some weird hormones in it) so we're now on LF. He's still a little sod - we think it's because the lactose free milk is ok for lactose intolerence but not milk protein intolerence, and are seriously considering putting him back on WySoy without telling anyone. WySoy was ok for the older ones, so it can't do them that much harm. You can get LF milk (C&G and SMA do one) at the chemist without prescription, but you might have to order it in.

It's only our boys that have it, Charlotte has been fine on cows milk. Callum was seriously ill with it, Daniel was a 24 hour screamer with it, Alex is unsettled, but when I compare how he was during the first four weeks on WySoy, I don't see why he should be miserable when there's a milk out there that suits him
Ethan had this too, altho he wasnt diagnosed untill he was 9 months old :evil:

i kept him on soya milk untill he was 18months, then he grew out of it and was fine.
i think i may try n put her back on the wysoy for now, and see if that sorts her out i cant deal with the lack of sleep and the constant whinging (she has never cried at all so this all seems realy odd :lol: ) iv head of LF but i was told that it was for those that used it by choice for example there religion or vegetarianism :?

im actually slightly worried as i have my 3rd due in july and the midwife has suggested not even trying other milk and just putting baby straight onto wysoy but i dont want to do it if that isnt the case if you know what i mean :?
I wonder why doctors are so uppity about diagnosing it??? :evil: My little brother died from the same form that Callum had because there was nothing they could do about it in the 70s. We were adamant from birth that Daniel was intolerant but we had to battle for 3 months to get him diagnosed. Callum was in SCBU for a month, but if they'd put him on the special milk he ended up on straight away, instead of getting at me for not breastfeeding properly, he'd have been ok. And we're still going round in circles with Alex.

We get LF on prescription, but we're back at the paeds next week for his reflux so no doubt she's going to change it again :?

I'd put the next one straight onto Soya if the midwife is suggesting it - my midwife just kept going on and on that breast is best. Research suggests that if you don't expose them to lactose, or the sooner you get them off lactose, the better they can cope with it when they do have lactose (I've confused myself there!!) . Breastfeeding may be best, but unless you're able to cut out all dairy products from your own diet, the lactose is still passed on in the breast milk. I went milk free at 26wks - waste of time because he didn't take to the breast anyway :(
well im lactose intolerant myself so the cutting out wouldnt be a problem coz its not there in the first place. the problem that i had with both of them is that they were both very sick with breast milk too which baffled all the know it alls at the hospital :lol:
i just dont want to put the new one on it if its not the case if you knwo what i mean :?

Just out of curiousity what are the symptoms of lactos intolerant?
with my son it was severe projectile vomiting so much so that he wasnt keeping anything down and wasnt putting on any weight, with my daughter it was slightly different she had severe diarheoa (sp?) so much so that i would change her nappy and within seconds it would be full again! in the first 4 hours we went thro a pack of 28 nappies :shock: :lol:

thanks bubble_dreamer lol oh my poor you that sounds aweful.
Just nice ot know everyone thought Kiara had it at first but i knew it wasnt it :D
its not good my son is nearly 6 and if he has something now by accident then he is still really bad its a real pain coz its described in things in so many different ways and i have to read the ingredients in everything before i buy it shopping takes forever! :lol: would you believe some breads even contain it :shock:

really glad kiara didnt have it even though some grow out of it its really not nice!

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