Puke!!!! How could anyone be so skanky!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I dont know if you have seen my posts lately moaning about the kamakze flies in my house that just dont seem to die no matter how much I spray killer/hairspray/whatever comes to hand first.

Well we have just found out the cause! My neighbour on the top floor (I am on the ground) was complaining about them too, turns out the flat in the middle of us (which was rented) is now empty and the owners have just came to clean it...

They guy that was in it before didnt clean it.... still had a black bag of rubbish in the kitchen which was swarming with flies, had left a dirty cat litter tray etc :puke:

The poor flat owner is mortified! He has just gave me like a fly killer bomb thing that I have to put off tonight when I go to bed. The flies are only in my living room for some reason

I actually feel sick how foul and yuky could one person be! :puke:
:puke: :puke: have you seen life of grime? people are VERY skanky!! grosse!
euwgh :puke: :puke: :puke: i sympathise. We have probs with unkillable flies in summer, coz one of the neighbours across the street keeps chickens...I dont think she cleans em often enough... :shakehead: :shakehead:

Thats just rank!!! I dont understand how people can be so god dam dirty! :puke: :puke:
Disgusting!! I've seen places like that on How Clean Is Your House, how can anyone let their house get that dirty?! The cat box is the worst. If I don't clean ours out in the morning it stinks the whole flat out!

My friend has got a cat in her bedroom. She lives with her mum who has 3 dogs so the cat is locked in her bedroom and when he goes to the toilet it stinks so badly and she can't open the window incase he jumps out. I never go to her house anymore. Also she cleans the box every 2 weeks! :puke: :puke: As soon as I found that out I decided that I was NEVER going back into her room anymore! Her mums dogs poo in the garden (and sometimes on the carpets!) because the dogs 'don't like to go on walks'!!! Her mum rarely cleans up after the dogs as well. She is a 'childminder' who looks after her friends kids once in a blue moon and has offered to look after Aimee if I want to go back to college. :shakehead: Never in a million years!! It is a manky house and it smells so bad!
:puke: :puke:

Some people are so discusting, I don't understand how people can't be clean, it doesn't take much!
Hope you get it sorted hun, its not fair you have to suffer the mingingness
fran_23 said:
:puke: :puke: have you seen life of grime? people are VERY skanky!! grosse!

Life of grime is great! I cant believe how low some peoples personal standards can be.
fran_23 said:
:puke: :puke: have you seen life of grime? people are VERY skanky!! grosse!

Yes you get some right tramps on that show lol.

God help anyone having to clean up the mess they have to on there.

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