Pubic Bone Pain


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Grump grump grump.

I'm feeling good mostly, apart from this pain which I would describe like imagine the tops of your thighs continuing up your bits, pain there. After much Googling it seems to be pubic bone pain and it fecking kills. I can't stand on one leg (you may think this isn't too much of a hardship but turns out you do it more than you realise!) and although I'm ok once I've got myself going, it knacks getting up and the first few steps and any slow movements etc. I'm like a little old lady :mad:!

Anyone else got this or any tips?

Hope it goes away soon - it came before then went so I'm hopeful it will bugger off again rather than be here for the duration - can't be doing with 10 more weeks of this, AND some of the evil Google stuff indicated it could remain AFTER too.

Oh and final grump is on top of this I have whacking toothache, BAH!

Now that's off my chest, hope everyone else is doing ok :)
Im only 15 weeks and complaining of same bloody thing! Speak to midwife or GP to get physio sorted. Good luck honey xxx
I feel your pain! I've had physio and was given a bump support. I feel as if I should be about 39 weeks by the way I can't walk and so uncomfortable. My pelvic bones actually grind at times, so sore xx
Grump grump grump.

I'm feeling good mostly, apart from this pain which I would describe like imagine the tops of your thighs continuing up your bits, pain there. After much Googling it seems to be pubic bone pain and it fecking kills. I can't stand on one leg (you may think this isn't too much of a hardship but turns out you do it more than you realise!) and although I'm ok once I've got myself going, it knacks getting up and the first few steps and any slow movements etc. I'm like a little old lady :mad:!

Anyone else got this or any tips?

Hope it goes away soon - it came before then went so I'm hopeful it will bugger off again rather than be here for the duration - can't be doing with 10 more weeks of this, AND some of the evil Google stuff indicated it could remain AFTER too.

Oh and final grump is on top of this I have whacking toothache, BAH!

Now that's off my chest, hope everyone else is doing ok :)

That sounds like a classic case of SPD hun. I have this too and it is getting worse and worse the bigger I get!Really started feeling the pain alot more around 30 weeks which is where you are now. It's really hard to stand on one leg to put trousers on, I seize up after being sat down for any period of time and I have constant pain low down and particularly between my legs and inner thighs. Mine has been pretty manageable up to now, but is now beginning to cause me real pain and problems so GP has referred me to physio. The bad news is it only gets worse the bigger you get, so mention it to your GP or midwife now and they can refer you for some physio (not that I know if it helps any!!) xxx
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Ooh thank you, I thought SPD was more outer hip pain rather than what I have. I think I will mention it again then - did last time I had it (had it for about a week a few weeks ago then it went) and midwife told me to keep my legs closed, not particularly helpful!

Amanda, that's exactly what I'm like, have to sit on the side of the bed to get my trousers on as it's incredibly painful trying to get my legs in etc.

Ta for your help ladies!
Yes I've never had any pain in my outer hips at all so was not sure about SPD - but after reading up on it the pain from SPD is actually mostly concentrated right in the middle of your pubis as it is stretching ready for baby to come out. When I was in hospital there were some girls in there who had it very severe and needed crutches - they described it as feeling like baby is going to fall out and I must say the dragging pain I get feels just like that. Yes the advice is to 'not do anything that involves opening your legs' ?????? How on earth can one manage that??? LOL. But a tip I've had for getting up out of bed or up from lying on the couch is keep your legs together and swing round and that is less painful xx
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I rang the midwife today and she was a bit crap and said to mention it at my next midwife appointment (a week tomorrow) and I could expect to be referred for physio, but "all they do is fit you with a corset". Thought this sounded like crap so went to my GP and got referred today and though I don't know whether they will do more than fit me with a corset, I'm hopeful they will! And pleased not to have to wait another week too! But yes, GP agreed it was SPD and was very nice so thank you ladies as it didn't occur to me that this is what it was. :)
Glad you went to GP hun - you're midwife sounds crap!! xx
I hear ya!

I've got spd and a pain in my pubic bone area too, as well as extreme agony all over the actual bump and stitch-like stretching pain on each side of the bump.............

I am HATING being pregnant, more than the first time :(
I hear ya!

I've got spd and a pain in my pubic bone area too, as well as extreme agony all over the actual bump and stitch-like stretching pain on each side of the bump.............

I am HATING being pregnant, more than the first time :(

I have pain in the bottom of my bump too, have had it since really early on, it's not nice is it? I've loved being pregnant but I must say I'm glad I've only got 6 weeks to go now as the pain is getting worse and worse each day! xx
i can barely walk anymore. Really struggle to get around, especially when i first get up. When i get up in the night i cant put my full weight on either leg, and have to hold the wall/doors to walk to the toilet as it's so painful. Does ease off the more i move though. does this sound like spd or is it just general baby growing symptoms?!
i can barely walk anymore. Really struggle to get around, especially when i first get up. When i get up in the night i cant put my full weight on either leg, and have to hold the wall/doors to walk to the toilet as it's so painful. Does ease off the more i move though. does this sound like spd or is it just general baby growing symptoms?!

Def sounds like SPD to me hun - I have exact same symptoms - I now have to hold onto things to hold my weight and walking seems to loosen me up after a while, but then the next day I'll completely seize up. If I hadn't heard of SPD I would wonder if it's normal pregnancy growing - but really a normal pregnancy 'waddle' is more to do with size and weight of bump and maybe that pulls on your back causing pain, but SPD seems to cause alot of pain in your pubis between your legs and into your thighs. xxx
i can barely walk anymore. Really struggle to get around, especially when i first get up. When i get up in the night i cant put my full weight on either leg, and have to hold the wall/doors to walk to the toilet as it's so painful. Does ease off the more i move though. does this sound like spd or is it just general baby growing symptoms?!

Yeah sounds like me too - I also thought it was just part of being preggers but apparently not and if there's a chance physio could help it's worth going to get officially diagnosed and referred :)

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