
LouisecH said:
Just wanted to second this:

A lot of people are embarrassed to say they have taken Anti Depressants, I dont, there is nothing to be ashamed of

Depression is a physical illness caused by chemical changes in the brain. There should be no stigmatism attached. Can you imagine any other physical illness where people would be stigmatised for taking medicine to get better?

Anyway, I hope the tablets are helping. I remeber feeling like I was bouncing off the walls for the first couple of weeks. They made me feel a little bit hyper :lol: but I soon calmed down.

And I third it !! :D
See thats what I thought, about the chemical inbalance, and I said this to my doctor, that I didnt believe that it was an inbalance in my brain, I know EXACTLY why I am this way, I know why I have panic attacks, I know why I am depressed and i know the person who caused all this.

I didnt want to tell this but I suffered an incident when i was 9, and I was ok till I was 16, thats when it affected me, because I knew what happened was so wrong, and I knew that it could have gone a hell of a lot further, which could have ended up with me not here today.

I also have to deal with the fact that the person was never brought to jusictice and could still be doing these things today, i have that guilt on my shoulders.

Sorry girls
dreamer (((((hugs)))))) hun we are all here for you if theres anything we can do xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Think I just needed to get that out :think:

You have all been fab, thank you

((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) so sorry babe, but You should not feel guilty babe, you was a child and you did nothing wrong!!!

We are here if you need us babe!


Tam x
Firstly, BIG HUGS Dreamer.

Secondly, an incident which has played on your mind for many years can cause you to feel depressed which in itself can cause the chemical imbalance and make you more depressed (if that makes sense).

I hope your doctor recommended counselling along with the anti-depressants. That way the medication could get you through the worst of it until the counselling sessions help you to try and resolve any horrors of your past.

I really feel for you. Try the medication and if you're not happy you can always come off.

Take care
Louise x
I have been having specialist counselling for about a year now hun.

I'm sorry that you went through this pain Dreamer, and I hope you manage to work through it, and feel much better, very soon.

I just wanted to add my experience about Prozac - I had been on them for about five months when I got pregnant with my son 11 years ago - I was also on the contraceptive pill AND antibiotics (for something or other - still, not a good combination!) so not only did I manage to get myself pregnant whilst taking Prozac, there was the added plus that my son turned out absolutely fine. Prozac also helped me to turn my life around for the better - I know they don't work for everybody, but they definitely did the job for me.
You are very brave to talk about it
I cant imagine what you must of gone through, but you should hold your head up high and believe in yourself. You are a good person
Prozac defo got me through a bad time, they work for some people, some they dont but you shouldnt worry about giving them a go.
If you dont like them, you can go back to docs
Good luck hunny
We are all here for you xx
Your all too sweet, gonna make me cry :oops: :oops:

Thank you xx
Dreamer said:
I also have to deal with the fact that the person was never brought to jusictice and could still be doing these things today, i have that guilt on my shoulders.

I'm really sorry to bring this back to the top.
Just wanted to say i can really relate to what you've said there.
I went through something at 16, he was a close friend.
And i still have to see him walking through town with his latest girlfriend... and their baby (which really annoys me, how can karma be on his side, not mine!)

Thats part of the reason i'm back on prozac again now, he is the reason that i've been on and off of it. I hate him for it, and years of counselling that i've been through can't stop me from hitting that downwards spiral!

hope you're feeling ok on prozac?

Thank you all for your messages.

I thought I would update :D

I aint been on much as I have been having too much fun :lol:

I have taken a step back from TTC, its probably best that I get myself sorted first, I havent stopped TTC its just not first now, and thats made me relax alot!

AF seems to be a monthly visitor now, and shes a real mooo to me :x

The prozac, where do I start?? Its been great, I have been fine on it, its made me a little hyperactive, in the sense it has given me the urge to jump :shock: :oops: , my first urge to jump, I ended up falling and badly bruised my boob and hurt my leg, but it never made that urge go away :lol: Its actually quite funny now :lol:

Im still on them and conintue to be on them till im better.

Theres so much going on for me at the mo, and they are life changing stuff, so I need to sort all that.

So Im partying hard and having laughs, but still think of all u girlies and ur bubbas :D

Am on from time to time, especially when Wobbles points me in this direction :wave:

Thank you all once again, you all have been a massive help :D

Laura xxxx
glad your ok hun dont be a stranger :hug: xxxxxxx
Hi, I know this is a really late response, But I to have been plaged by depression in the past, very severly from a chemical imbalance which was also made worse by actual events (series of crap as long as my arm) I Was on Prozac and I had Tamazipan to help me sleep, and I personally didnt find prozac worked for me. Doctors go for this family of drugs first cause they help the most people with milder more common forms of depression (seratonin uptake inhibitors) and they are also far less adictive than the other kinds, which require monitoring and years to saftly wean you off! It was whn my doctor wanted to move me into the heavy stuff that I got somewhat worried and decided this was not a route I wanted to take, as I didnt not want to be dependant on such a heavy drug for the rest of my life and I didnt like the way anti depressives made me feel, I felt I lacked clarity of thought and like I was in a 'fuzz' all the time. I spent a year studying nutrition and I had heard about claims of diet and exercise helping with depression and decided to look into this more and be more proactive and make some major life changing decisions to sort myself out without the need for drugs, and sure enough managed to turn things round and really improve my life, self image and out look on life and am now a far more positive person, and even put my experiences to use by doing volunter councelling work for victim support. So anyway Im going on a bit, Im glad you are feeling improved, and hope you are indeed on the way to recovery, if you ever want to chat feel free to PM me, and if you want to stay on the prozac and its working out for you feel free, if you want to look at going drug free, I would be happy to advise you.

The Prozac is fine, but its not.

I was fine when I posted my last message, now Im sitting here and just want to cry my eyes out, its taking all I have not to cry right now.

If I cry Ill get more down which will lead elsewhere if you understand what I mean.

Im bloody sick of this, I just want to be normal!

When Im good, im VERY good, when im down, I dont think theres any lower that I can go!

I honestly dont know how much longer i can cope like this, its taking its toll on me, I cant eat, I can sleep for ages then not sleep, then the nightmares and the flash backs.

I think its all too much for one person.

Sorry to go on, I needed to vent.
Hey dont apologise, feel free to vent, its better than bottling it in.
Did you feel this up and down prior to the prozac? or has it made you feel more confused? And I dont want to be nosey but are the events that have led to the depression still a factor in your life, or is it in the past but something that has left a damaging effect?
I was this up and down before the prozac, the prozac seems to make me more hyper and inclined to do weird things.

Its all relating back to an incident which happened when I was 9, theres been other things between now and then that havent helped, that prob brought it to the foreground.
The most important thing for you to remember is the things that happen to you in life especially at that age are not under your control, events happen in life without you being able to control them. the only way to move on is to accept the things that have happend, and let them make you stronger. You are the boss of you, you have the strength to turn negatives into positives and get what you want in life. Forget what anyone else thinks of you or what impression you give off, nothing matters but how you feel about yourself and you need to focus on feeling good about yourself, so think about your good qualities, about what a wonderful, caring and giving person you are and how you deserve to be happy, and think about what you can do to make yourself happy. I hope you current home life is a good set up and you have people around who care about you. If so take that as a positive base to build yourself up from.

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