Prolaclin Level?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2010
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so went to the doctors for my day 21 blood test results.

1st cycle 120
2nd cycle 165
this month 190

my gp has told me to come off clomid as my results are too high which would mean i wouldnt fall pregant.

so im hear broken the last 3 months have been a tie with drugs,scan,blood tests.......

ive been online and looking into prolaclin level,ive had a problem with my nipples leeking...has any one had this problem?
ok 18 views and nothing... i give up on ttc.....
feel totally crap and had enough of all the tests.
Sorry that no one is able to offer you any advice,

But don't give up hun,

What are the doctors planning now?
x x
blood tests all this month to see if my levels are too high.
when its a course of drugs.
Hi Deborah78

Sorry I've not got any info/advice that will help... had our first hospital appt this week, and as my blood tests show that I'm ovulating, they won't be putting me on clomid.
Hope you're feeling a bit better today, I understand how frustrating it can be having to rely on doctors like this. But hang in there, they'll get you sorted I'm sure.
When's your next appointment?
Hi Deborah. I've just found out yesterday that I too have high prolactin levels :( which is why i dont ovulate and why my periods are so all over the place. Doctor was pretty unclear about what it all means but baisically said it will be at least a six month job to get them back down before we can even start trying properly :( so gutted. Unless it's PCOS, so going for a scan in two weeks to check that 1st, it's wierd but I hope it is PCOS then they can put me on clomid straight away. How are you doing anyway?

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