Projectile Vomiting


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Just read Verity's thread about Pyloric Stenosis in Baby & Toddler, and it's got me thinking now..

Is the occasional projectile vomit normal in young babies? Noah has done it a couple of times and is 6 weeks old now. Last time he did it was last week and it went EVERYWHERE! Was even coming out of his nose.

Also he's quite fussy sometimes and just cries. We do all our checks but don't work out what's up with him. Eventually he settles after a lot of cuddles. It's definately not colic as he doesn't cry for hours on end, it's never been more then 10 minutes.

He also gets hiccups after most feeds. They tend to last a while too.

Is all this normal?
Will be interested to see responses, Dylan is 4 weeks, has projectile vomited entire feeds quite a few times but Mw and hv said if he seems well, is gainin g weight and doesn't do it all the time, its nothing to worry about. He gets hiccups a few times a day, cant be put flat for a while after feeding or he gags and kin d of chokes a bit, sounds wet in his throat. He also gasps for air a lot, especially after feeding ...
Harry is a bit like this but I find it is coz of wind, we now burp him throughout the feed and it stops him bringing up milk with his burps. THink it is coz he guzzles his milk tho!!
G gets the hiccups loads too, but I think it's cos she guzzles so much.

I think it's normal for then to vomit occasionally. G has a few times, but I think with PS, it gets worse, and happens nearly all the time. Xxx
Rach & Bot, could your LOs have reflux. G had a mild case of this for a while, and used to cry after some feeds, but settled after cuddles for a while. She also doesn't like being on her back, and for a while we had to keep her fairly upright after a feed. Xxx

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