I went for a ultrasound scan yesterday, I am 7 weeks, this is my first pregnancy.
All looked well but she said the heart beat was a little lower than she would like, but not dangerously low.
Anyway, she prescribed me some progesterone suppositories because I've previously been diagnosed with PCOS (I was 18, I am now 26 and no longer have cysts on my ovaries and have had regular periods).
Has anyone else had these prescribed for similar reasons with a good outcome?
I went for a ultrasound scan yesterday, I am 7 weeks, this is my first pregnancy.
All looked well but she said the heart beat was a little lower than she would like, but not dangerously low.
Anyway, she prescribed me some progesterone suppositories because I've previously been diagnosed with PCOS (I was 18, I am now 26 and no longer have cysts on my ovaries and have had regular periods).
Has anyone else had these prescribed for similar reasons with a good outcome?