Probably a stupid question about breast pump


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
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We finally got a decent breast pump and although it is slow, the milk is coming out but what I want to know is this after every time you use it do need to sterilize? Kai won't latch on so I have to use this, surely I don't need to sterilize 8 times a day?
I sterilise mine after every use. Have you got a microwave steam steriliser? Once you've cleaned it out in the sink and popped it in there it only takes 7 mins, plus 2 mins cooling time.
i steralise after every use too
I just put mine in the dishwasher or after a wash in the sink, i put it in boiling water and boil it for 5-10 minutes.
I cant believe just how sticky breastmlk is.
Emilia x
I cant believe just how sticky breastmlk is.

I know!! And I can't believe how much it stains :shock: I've got it on my sofa, bedding, clothes. I went to put on a top today that had been in the wash and there is a big stain right over the boobie.
I got a sterilizer as well this week as I just wasn't comfortable boiling them and it is easier as well but it isn't a microwave one and probably takes an hour to heat up.

I have managed to use the pump 3 times now but still not producing that much milk, probably a quarter of a ounce in around 90 minutes. Does anyone know when it gets a lot more faster? the pump is really noisy and I can't hear Kai when I am pumping.
Have you tried massaging your breast as you pump or turning it up onto a higher setting? If I pump on the lowest setting hardly anything comes out, but if I turn it up a bit then lots comes out. I also find I get more when my pump is plugged into the mains and isn't on the batteries.
I am doing the same as you babsi, because Naomi wouldn't latch on and lost a lot of weight. I am using a Medela hospital grade pump which I hired but we had to buy the trumpets and bottles and yes, you should sterilise after every use. I use a steam steriliser, no chemicals.

On the bright side, Naomi had her first on-breast meal 2 hours ago and is still asleep...I must be doing something right!

Just wish I knew how much she was getting!

Oh - and I am on a fairly low setting too. I pump for fifteen minutes at a time - as the breastfeeding specialist in the hospital told me. I think a rule of thumb is ... if it's comfortable, it's fine. Use a level that doesn't hurt you, pump for about fifteen minutes and don't keep pumping if nothing comes out. When I started first I was managing about a teaspoonful per breast! I am now getting about a glass full every three hours or so, ie a litre a day, roughly.

I was also told that the microwave steriliser achieves too high a temperature for the soft plastic bottles used by my pump. So steam steriliser had to be bought, even though we had got the microwave version as a gift.

Am I the only one who uses a cold water steraliser? I find it so much easier you just get out what you want when you need it and only have to change the water every 24 hours
I have another question, finally I am producing more milk, I managed to pump just under 2oz in an hour and a half. I gave this to Kai an hour ago, is it enough for 1 feed? I am feeding him every 3 hours and he seemed quite content if not a little sick. I tried searching all over the internet for some kind of chart but couldn't find anything although I think with breastmilk they can have less but not too sure.

Also I went to a group thing yesterday and talked to someone about this, really didn't get much info on what I wanted and still insisted that I try breastfeeding, really when it stresses both of us out what is the point? He is getting the breast milk now which is the important thing imo and at least I know how much he is getting this way.

Another question, what is the most breast milk that you can pump in one go?
I think - and I'm not an expert - if Kai is not screaming after a feed and going down and sleeping well or being content, and if he has plenty of et and dirty nappies, you should be ok.

Also, I don't know about the most you can express in one go, I was told never to exceed 15 minutes per breast as it could make me sore.

I agree about the breastfeed, Naomi took two which wore me out and left me not knowing what she had taken and when she would wake. If he is getting the milk and it's easier for you then go for it. Just bear in mind that it will get very restrictive unless you can express ahead, which is what I try to do, so I can have some freedom to go out to the shops etc.


When I first started Expressing when Aidan was first born I was very unsucessful and to be honest I gave up after a few attempts because it seemed to be such a lot of effort for nothing.

Now my daughter is expecting her baby any day now (due 8th Feb) I needed to express some milk to freeze as Im going to be her birthing partner and OH needed to be able to feed Aidan. So I have tried again and this time its been much more sucessful. Im sure its because my milk is more established now and perhaps Im more determined as now I dont have a choice in the matter !! I feed him on one and express on the other..Takes quite a bit of manovering and making sure TV is in right channel, you have had a drink etc no hands are free !!

This morning I got a whole 4 oz !!! in one go !!! Been getting 3 and 2 oz. Dont fret though because when I spoke to my HV last time she said some of her other mums only get 1/2 oz at a time.

And yes, I too use Milton in a water sterilizer I agree with you its much less hassle and I have a Steam Sterilizer which I will use when Im using bottles all the time. But to be honest quickly washing the bottle and the pump and bunging in the water seems less hassle when that is all im using it for.

Ragna xxxxxxxxxx

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