(private) playgroups


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2013
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How on earth do I find local playgroups that are not through sure start, where they perhaps do a little more crafting or something like that.. Play and stay, i'm after.. Even a little private meet up group at the local soft play centres be good but all I seem to find is through netmums and half of that isn't even active.. The time tables from the sure start change every season, I can go through facebook as that's how I've found a private craft one but it's a little too far out for it being at 9 in the morning and traffic is a pain before that time in my area so leaving after 9-10 would be best if we have to travel out for it but I have no idea in how about going to find more than the one craft group I've so far found..
Is there a mums or 'mums in the know' group for your area on FB? We have one for our area so might be worth searching on FB. Also possibly Google as some of them have webpages. Local library or church might be able to give you some pointers also x
My HV gave me a list of all local mum and baby groups and stuff like that, if you ask your HV they should be able to get you a list of all the active play groups and stuff, lots of church halls and things like that seem to run them xo
Have a look on church websites, they usually have toddler groups, that aren't to do with sure start.
I was going to say churches or NCT. Our local Nct does a messy play session that's craft, paints etc once a month and themed to that month.
My council gave me a booklet about local playgroups when we registered her birth, maybe look on your councils website?
Checked the local council website but it won't let me fill in the age part so I also get loads of crafty events and what not for elderly and stuff then its over 30 pages haha! I'll have a look with the nct anc church ones, I liked the page for mums in the know! Thanks all!
Nct hates my area, everything like everything else is a good 30-40 mins bus drive away (in traffic times that's impossible to do because road works and stuff are ridiculous atm even for car drivers!) I need a car! And I need to pass my driving so I can actually get a car! I'd go everywhere, so many things to do in my city but they're all a car drive away! It's so mental that in metropolitan cities like mine some car drives from 10 mins up to half an hour can take half an hour to 2,5 hours on public transport! I'm still baffled as to how that's possible!

Then again when I first moved here, I was shocked that it took me a 50-60 mins walk to get round the corner what took a mere 5-10 mins in the car!

I just need to persuade OH to drop us of as I often don't mind travelling back!
I feel you, I'm exactly the same! Hate getting buses though as I don't know where they go and they're always late!! Haha
I hate it, cause if they're full they'll just drive past! If there's heavy traffic at certain points you could be waiting forever for another bus and it might not even go in the right direction! And adding to that, i've always been the type of person who can not wait a bus stop, I will start walking and then seeing the bus driving past, walking almost home even if that's a two hour walk because I don't have patience to wait for a bus 10-20 mins lol!

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