Pretending I still drink - not easy!

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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What are you doing, if anything, to hide this?

Maybe you have it easier than me but I'm generally a regular drinker! I have afterwork cocktails with my girlfriends, I have boozy business lunches with publishers and similar. We have people round for dinner parties, that kind of thing.

We havent told anyone yet about being pregnant as its only 4 weeks, but already its becoming the hardest thing to hide because of the booze. No-one who knows me would believe I've just given it up!

Sooo hard. We had a dinner a week ago and I drank lime and soda in a wine glass and got away with it, but I have a friend coming over for dinner tonight who said "I'll bring a bottle of something really nice". She isnt close enough that I want to tell her, certainly not before I tell my mother! Gaaah!
Tell her you're on anti biotics? Have a small glass, drink it very slowly and really make it last ALL night? Offer to open it and pour it in the kitchen and maek youself something that looks the same? Tell her you haven't been well/had a migraine recently and can't stomach it? Tell her you have a minging hangover and and alcohol would seriously make you puke!!
Snap! Havent encountered it yet but have a couple of nites coming up and Im not sure what to say. I know the whole antibiotic lie wont work... when Ive actually been on them before, people thougt I was lying and would keep on and on at me, joking I was prob pg.
A detox lie might work but Im not sure. I normally drink G+T so I suppose a long as I got my own drinks I might get away with it if I just get the tonic.
I did the old antibiotics thing for a few weeks, I said I had a bad urine track infection covers you for a lot of early pregnancy symptoms as well, my friends didn't have a clue! I also suddenly became busy and turned down lots of invites! Could you try the diet option as well? Anyone dieting or on a fitness kick avoids alcohol due to it's high calorie content, with summer coming up you could pretend you want to get into that bikini unless of course your already skinny then that won't work! But a fitness kick might, you could swim or go to gym at lunch instead of boozing!
Does anyone know that you're trying?
I basically told people that we're TTC and that alcohol reduces your chances of getting pregnant so that's why I wasn't drinking. That worked very well with my parents and everyone else. Then when I got to 11 weeks I told them that I wasn't drinking because I was already pregnant lol.
if its white wine use apple juice in a wine glass!!! that was my trick!!! hope it goes ok for you!
This is so hard. I went out for a friends birthday a few weeks ago and lied and said I was working the next day and so wouldn't be drinking. I had a load of 'Oh go on, just have one' and such like and I'm sure they were suspicious but nobody said anything.

I've got another night out next Friday that I'm currently trying to come up with an excuse for. I've been quite sick for the past few weeks so I think I might just not go and say I'm ill. It's so hard because I have having to lie but even when you're not pg and might just be on antibiotics genuinely people always put 2+2 together and thing your pg.

Do you drive? That's a pretty good 'get out of jail free' card.
Snap I used the antibiotics and then apple juice or similar in a wine glass, even got a barman to give me a lemonade with all the g & t trimmings just so it wouldn't look obvious, its not an easy one, would your friends notice if you discreetly ordered the non alcoholic cocktails. It's so hard trying to come up with excuses when you dont want to lie to your friends....

K Xx
star fish, i had to go out for after work drinks last thursday, as we went to cocktail bars it was easy becuase i just asked the bar staff to make me 'virgin' cocktails - no one suspected a thing. then we went to another bar and i got a lemonade and lime and just told people there was vodka in it :) someone did ask me for a taste of my cocktail and she claimed it was really nice, she obviously didn't notice there was no alcohol. At home is a lot harder though - i think the medication excuse is the way forward!? xx
Get some Schloer - they do one that looks like Rose, one like white and one like red - open the wine in the kitchen where you can't be seen and she'll never know or, go with the medication idea; sinusitis is really common this time of year, say you're on anti-biotics for that...! x
Schloer - brilliant idea jenny - although its fizzy so you'll need to take the fizz out or pretend you've added lemonade!!! xx
Drive when u go out anywhere. thats what i did, perfect excuse not to drink ! x
When i have had a drink or been bought a drink when out with friends i just say coke, I got asked may time why wasnt i drinking, I just said i didnt feel like it and no-one said anything at all :)
Had my first "I'm not drinking" moment last night. Told everyone I had a water infection and was on anti biotics, they seemed to believe me! Have to do the same again tonight as there's a mass night out planned in Cardiff tonight.........
i use the excuse that im on a diet and being really good!!! i drank every night and my teeneagers were used to myself and OH having a glass of red with dinner and wondered why id stopped so that was my excuse. it worked as they never asked anymore x
I have the same problem! And I am going on a hen weekend in Leeds this weekend starting with cocktail making at 2pm! I booked it before I knew I was pregnant so cant get out of it. :roll:

I had some girls round the other night & they were all drinking rose wine. I had white wine with lots of soda and one of my friends asked if I was drinking water! But told her it was wine and nothing more said. :fib: Made it last all night.

As for the hen weekend it's going to be hard but I have a plan...
My close friend is luckily going with me and she is one of the only few that know I am pregnant so she has agreed to help me drink the cocktails (as in I will slyly pass them to her). I am going to drink lime and soda mostly or wine and soda (very diluted) and drink it very slowly. I dont want the girls there to know I am pregnant as they are from work so this is certainly going to be a challenge. Gutted I wont be able to get merry along with them all but hey thats tough. lol xx

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