Preparing for baby on a budget


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Hey guys,

I just wondered if you lot had any tips for preparing for a baby on a budget. Our finances have severely diminished and I'm worried how we are going to get everything for bubs. Does anyone know of any really good cheap shops or websites they can recommend?

I know this might seem like a really stupid question and I'm really embarressed :oops: to post this, but here goes...

on a side note, what would you say are the absolute essentials that need to be bought for when they are born? is there anything you truly couldn't live out?
hun it can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be
why not try getting a 2nd hand cot (but investing in a new mattress) you can get really nice cheap pushchairs even 2nd hand ones of those
try freeads on line or your local paper or boot sales or even ask your midwife where in your area you could get good 2nd hand baby stuff
you need to buy a new car seat (a must) but you can get them fairly cheap if you shop around
asda and tescos are really good for cheap vests and babygrows buy 1 packet a week till you have enough
asda also do really good bottles (if you are bottle feeding) their own brand are 2.99 i think for a pack of 2 or 3 packs of 2 for a fiver :D
try somewhere like wilkinsons or primark for a changing mat and cot bedding (we found them the cheapest and they are great)
a bath is not essential you could bath baby in a large washing up bowl or straight in the big bath

cant think of anything else at the moment but mostly dont be embarrassed about trying to do things cheaply there are many of us out there who have very little money and will be trying to do things as cheap as possible as long as your baby is fed warm and loved he/she will not care if has new things or 2nd hand or what brands you are using :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxx
I have managed to get a lot of my essentials off ebay

Night and day bottle warmer £2.50
Gliding Crib £20
Electric Steriliser £30

You will definitely need somewhere for baby to sleep! buy a new mattress though if buying bed second hand
You will need a steriliser and bottles
you will need babygrows and vests (a young baby doesn't need fancy clothes)

I'm sure there's loads more but those are the obvious essentials!

Also, TK Maxx does nursery stuff...
Don't feeel embarassed Christina - it's cool to be frugal!!!

I know I am doing everything on the cheap lol.

With Holly I bought a 2nd hand cot out of the paper and it was an absolute bargain, they still had the same one in Mothercare and I paid £20 for it and then bought a new mattress seperately. There used to be a really good 2nd hand baby shop nearby which sold items on behalf of people and took a cut - maybe you might have something like that near to you? I bough a bouncy chair for a fiver from there, a highchair for £15 and allsorts of bits and pieces. Shops like home bargains (don't know if you have one near to you?) are great, they have recently been selling moses baskets and blankets and changing mats and allsorts of stuff but really cheap - the moses basket was £18 with a stand and very nice actually! Besides that if you know anyone who's had a baby in the last few years you could try seeing if you can buy stuff off them (or they might give it to you!). When I had Holly I was on benefits and completely skint so I didn't have much choice, my situation is very different now but I still don't have much money left over at the end of the month and I'm going to have to get all the stuff again now as I got rid of it after I had Holly!
Join your local freecycle group (put it n google and the website will come out) I have seen crib. moses basket, cot bed and some other stuff on mine in the last 4 weeks I just wasn't quick enough lol and the rules of freecycle mean that they cannot ask you for a penny for stuff.
Ask family and friends who have children if you can borrow things like the steriliser, high chair, bouncy chair.
Ask friends and family if they can buy specific things for the baby they will be buying things anyhow so if you plan exactly what you want and allocate things for people it will mean they get something you really want rather than 20 teddy bears and you save pennies.
Toys are us have some great deals and so do argos so check them out
We have been buying one little bit every week with our shop - either a pack of nappies, wipes, powder or pack of babygros, vests etc - they are cheap from supermarkets. If you do these little bits weekly, you will hardly notice the money rather than rushing and buying it all bulk at the end. I think the other girls have given good tips regarding the bigger stuff. My mum bought our travel system, DH's mum bought the cot and DH's brother bought the moses basket - can any family members pitch in with the big stuff? Or maybe they will have a collection for you at your/OH's job or baby shower? :hug:
i have 3 words for you EBAY! EBAY!EBAY! I have saved hundreds of pounds getting things from ebay.
emmie said:
i have 3 words for you EBAY! EBAY!EBAY! I have saved hundreds of pounds getting things from ebay.
Same here!! Ebay is great for baby things! I just wish I could have used Ebay with my first!
Christina dont be embarrassed hun! Even if we had the money I would still try and save wherever we could! Theres no point paying a lot for something when you can get it for less! (wish I could listen to that advice about my pram choice though? :wall: :wall: )
Hello hunny, we planned for this baby when we had a good ammount put to the side late last year, but weve had to move houses to make room for the new baby and one of our tennants has moved out of our rentals so we have a little less income now. before we had a three bedroom house.. one for our little one, one for me and my OH, but the third spare room was downstairs and we wanted eveyone on one sleeping on the same floor of corse. so weve just moved in to our new four bedroomed house and the heating bills are going to be costly this winter so were trying to save also.

We was looking to buy a cot and change table set, but mannaged to grab a beautiful excellent condition cot second hand for $120 ! the matress was still in its plastic, so was no need to buy a new one, i will just change little one on the sofa or bed no big deal.. we have got a beautiful wooden cradle second hand also thats going to be washed down and getting a new mattress for daytime naps downstairs. you can get baby baths from wilkos, i think with my DD i payed 4 pound ?? we spent a little on paint for the babys room, but it looks really beautiful. i didnt want to waste money on cute boarders ect. got a man in today to totaly disinfect and shampoo all the carpet in the house. and we have a built in cupboard in the babys room so that really worked well. we also bought a rocking chair really good pice on sale with matching rocking foot rest. im breast feeding hopefully so dont need bottles and sterilizer.. there are so many ways to save! ebay is deffo the best place to shop for baby clothes in bulk, although i have ALL of my daughters newborn clothes still in prefect condition so have more than enough. just shop for sales and your bound to save alot youd be surprised :hug:

id say essentials really include..

Cot of corse
pushchair (but you can get them so cheap now.. try ebay or argos?)
shampoo, soap, nappy cream, nappies, wipes, infacol/gripe water.
Change mats are cheap cheap cheap and sooo handy- (wilkos)
bottles, brush and sterilizer if you plan to bottle feed? try asda!
baby grows and vests are cheap (try asda and ebay) and are used over and over but you will probs get alot of prezies?
Blankets.. if you have a home bargains store near you try there i have lots from there they are fab quality and only pence.
cot sheets defo try tescos

hope that helps a little sorry for the long post x
ivehad hand me downs and got most of the toys for my babies in charity shops over the years. try freecycle, gumtree, and ebay, and try to get a little something when you can
There are so many things that you think are essential but when you actually get the baby you dont even use them :lol:

Things Ive found I could've done without are:

Baby bath - I use a washing up bowl and then when they are bigger use the big bath!
Bottle Warmer - a jug of hot water is just as good
Baby Outfits - in those early days you want quick release clothes that you dont mind getting sicked and poo'ed all over so its vests and babygros all they way!!!
Baby Shoes - James has never worn shoes, he doesnt need them 'til he walks
Top & Tail Bowl - It was handy but and bowl would do
Soaps / Shampoos / Baby Lotion - I brought a big stock and Ive ended up using it all myself, James only needs a tiny bit and you get miniture ones in the bounty pack in the hospital.
Moses Basket - I was given mine but they are in there for such a short time so its not essential. A cot is fine. Incidently James doesnt even use his cot which cost a bomb - he sleeps in my bed! :lol:

If you breast feed obviously you wont need any of the feeding stuff! That would save you a packet. I didnt BF James but regretted it so I deffo will the next one.
I would definatley recommend Freecycle - there is always alot being offered and you can post for the items you want. I will definatley be giving all my stuff (most of which I got from sister) away when we are done with it. There are also alot of specific 2nd hand baby shops around. A friend of mine got loads of stuff at a local baby fair (NCT organised it I think)
I got a good value car seat (new) on ebay for about £30. The brand was Nania which is a major brand in France but not much sold here and meets all EC safety regulations.
We found that loads of people bought clothes and toys when she was born so I wouldn't go mad in advance - would stick with the basics which you can get cheaply in tesco/asda/primark, or ebay. Also, I lent my friend some stuff when I was between babies, so if you have any friends like that you could always see - so much of the stuff is only of use for a couple of months.
The other good place is a toy library. We have one at our local Surestart, and it is not only toys they lend out but things like bumbos and baby rockers - for about 50p a week.
I would also think about reusable nappies. There is an upfront cost but some councils are doing grants to help and you save an incrediable amount of money in the long run. There is also a big market in pre-owned reusables.
Breastfeeding also saves a fortune!
IKEA and Ebay are my friends... :)

Get the clothes from car boots or charity shops. You can get some lovely clothes that have only been worn once or twice :)

Moses baskets and baby baths are a waste of money, had them for Tia, barely used them, didn't bother this time, didn't miss them...

Don't need a changing bag, an ordinary rucksack is just as effective and far more practical.

Breast feed... its free :rotfl: Plus you will spend approx. $450 in the first 6 months just on formula alone

Ask yourself always... Do I really need this or does the baby really need this before you buy it... It helps alot.

Don't bother with many toys. For one babies gain more stimulation from other humans, faces voices etc, and two, lil miss' favourite toys are currently a wooden spoon, an old tescos club card, a key ring, a wallet, a broken mobile fone and a remote control... :rotfl: She only really plays with some wooden bricks, Irish dolly and moomin as official toys :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Remember that babies all over the world have survived with much less (including our parents), so those essentials people say are necessary... aren't really

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