pregnant friends


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2013
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So after hiding myself for 2 weeks I decide to go out last night to the pub with a couple of close friends and as soon as I walk in my pregnant friend runs up to show me her 20 wk scan. She didn't know I'd been pregnant and I can't fault her for wanting to show the baby off as any expecting mother would want to. I did manage to continue the night after a quick cry in the toilets and luckily managed to pass the red eyes off as getting over a very bad cold that a lot of people have atm. Kind of want to crawl back under the covers now though. :/
Awww must of been horrible, i get jealous of pregnant people on the tv!

At least the worst is over with now, the first time seein them will always be hardest so dont crawl back into your bed!! Xxx
Aww hon, I know how you feel. After my mc last March one of the girls at work had come bounding up to me announcing that she was pregnant and was 5 weeks behind me. She hadn't realised I had been off for a week as I had the baby.

I hugged her, congratulated her and then cried in the bathroom. She then avoiced for me ages as someone had told her about my mc and she felt really awkward!!

It is natural to feel jealous, I feel it every day that I am not pregnant as it is all I want most in the world, besides my OH obviously x
It must be horrible, I can't even imagine how it must be however having just had a mc I dread when anyone shares their good news with me. Life is so unfair. Hope there is happier times around the corner for all of us, we deserve some happiness after going through this. xx

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