Pregnant, Asthmatic, Poorly - Advice?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2010
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Today we're 15w 5d pregnant. I've been coughing for a month, probably due to my bad habit of not taking my purple inhaler every morning and night as I'm supposed to. I managed to start remembering to take it, and then the cough got worse. I've now got a full on chest thingy with added flying snotballs but it's not the worst I've ever had. Thing is, the coughing IS very bad, my chest burns and tickles and feels constricted despite use of the blue inhaler too, and I've coughed a lot of my muscles out of their usual not-as-painful-as-this state. They feel mega pulled. I know today is better than the previous week but I also know it's not going to go away tomorrow. Have got glycerin/honey/lemon syrup and paracetamol, and am keeping up my fluids but I'm struggling to eat. I'm exhausted. And to top it all off, I've the worst case of stress incontinence I've EVER had and the coughing and persistent sneezing (always after coughing) is making me wet myself badly (thank hell for tena-type products).

Any help? I suffer with anxiety and depression and do not feel up to trying to sort out another appointment with the doc - they have such a long waiting list for an appointment at the moment and this isn't exactly an emergency.
is your cough asthma related or do you think you could have a chest infection? you do need to see a dr quick and they should give you an emergancy app with you being pregnant because restristed ox ygen intake for you means restricted oxygen for the baby i had a chest infection at the start of this pregnancy and had to go on antibiotics, steroids and inhaler and the dr said if my breathing become slightly restricted i have to go straight back and go on the steroid inhaler for the rest of the pregnancy just ring your dr and tell them you want to be seen as an emergancy case hope this helps
I hadn't thought of it from the oxygen-restricted point of view. Hadn't even crossed my mind. Ok, I will ring them. Thank you, that was most helpful (I feel like a doofus for not thinking about that) x
oh dont worry i only think of it that was now because my dr said it like that
I've been seen.

Apparently the virus I caught from my blokey, set off my asthma. My coughing is my asthma but I've a fever now (it's the bahamas over here, I swear!) and I've been given soft antibiotics but I'm not to start them for a few days, once I've started taking my inhalers again. And apparently if it doesn't get better in 7-10 days, specially after the antibiotics, I'm to get rushed in again. And I have to see the asthma nurse in a week.

Thank you for making me realise it was more important than I'd thought!!! You star :)

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