Pregnancy Tests


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
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How early can you use a cheapy pregnancy test? I already took one on Friday (which I know was too early anyway as my AF isn't due until the end of next week). I bought 2 but can you take these before you are due on? It doesn't say on the instructions.
What strength was it? if it is a 10mlu test then they are quite sensitive and should pick it up before Af is due.

TBH I always try to wait until the day my AF is due as it is too upsetting seeing a BFN and if you get a BFN because you tested too early then you are just putting yourself through extra misery.

The 2ww is a killer though and it is hard to hold off.
Depends on their sensitivity - some pg tests can detect HCG earlier than others (10miu) but standard tests are usually 25miu. Saying that, I know some of the ladies on here have had BFP's recently using cheapy tests and then confirmed a few days later with digitals so it is possible to get very faint lines quite early on (approx 8-10 days post ov). Probably best to wait a few days if you're not due on til next week but if you can't wait that long, maybe get one of the new FRER tests and use FMU? Good luck x
As above ^^ If they are 10 mui then it will most likely show before you are due AF.
I can't see anywhere on the instructions where it says what strength the test is. I suppose I will just wait and see what happens and test again next weekend. Thanks for the help.

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