Pregnancy testing


Aug 13, 2010
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Ok, me and him have a clear blue test but we dont want to use it till I'm due on. so I went and bought cheapo 10 pack from ebay the 10mIU :eh: no idea what it means, I have no idea what half of these threads means by all the abrevs lol. So my question is with the 10mIU when is it ok to test ? It says its an early testing, but how early is early ?
it depends how many days past ovulation (dpo) you are? when is your period due? i got a good result from the ebay ones a day or so before my period was due!
Ahh ok, I'm due on end of month, but we are going away and he wants to take a test to test while away even though I dont want to think about it and just enjoy the hols, so I can tell him to wait till after hols now :) thanks
When you become pregnant, you can get levels tested in your urine which are called HCG. This is the hormone level that is detected by pregnancy tests.

An HCG of under 5 in considered not pregnant.

Your tests are 10mIU, which means it will detect a HCG as little as 10, which is early days of pregnancy.
The ones you have are one of the most sensitive.

Now I have prob explained that rubbish but I hope theres sense in it somewhere.
10 dpo? i have the same ones though and im 12 dpo and still getting a negative and hoping its just too early to test! x
not 10 dpo. an hcg of 10. I know, its confusing! but it still could be too early to test! Dont panic!
me too cherelle or they're just rubbish ebay tests and lying about the miu. they cost me a fiver for about 35. if they're more sensitive than the expensive digi ones it doesn't make sense! i'm clinging on to hope here lol.

yeah, basically we just have to wait for as long as we can to test, i suppose when we have enough hormone in our system it will show no matter what test we use - just frustrating having to wait! xx idea what it means, I have no idea what half of these threads means by all the abrevs lol....

Ha ha I was having the same problem!! I found by keeping this page open to refer to it really helped whilst I got used to the abbreviations :p :D
Just wait and be patient, if you're no due on until the end of the month, then wait and test beginning of Oct, wait until you're a day or two overdue, otherwise you're likely to get a BFN and be disappointed :)
when i concieved i already had a feeling that i was before i missed my first period, and because i was too impatient i did a clear blue around 3 days before my 1st missed period, and it came back positive, it also estimates how far along pregnant you are. but i suppose it can be different for different people.
True :) I did a CB digital a few days ago, was negative, but then AF isn't due until Monday... so just have to play the waiting game.

Part of me is convinced I'm pregnant, the other half thinks it's all in my head :p
Part of me is convinced I'm pregnant, the other half thinks it's all in my head :p

Im totally the same, im not sure whether to go out and buy a clear blue test now - wasnt going to test until tomorrow but my AF id due today and im desperate to test! Missed my FMU though :-s x
Thanks everyone, will forget about it till after hols and test early next month :)

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