Pregnancy Books

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hey girls -

What pregnancy books are you reading right now?

I have flicked through a few that didn't really suit me but one that my sister in law recommended and that I also find excellent is "What to expect when you are expecting". It's not expensive and has been updated recently. Found it very helpful with most things I have been worried about.

Miriam Stoppard's books seem good too, and she goes into some personal detail (like describing her own experiences) which is helpful too.

For a slightly more anecdotal view, try a novel I bought before I was pregnant called "Making Babies" by Anne Enright. It's about an unplanned pregnancy, and made me laugh and cry - by a real woman who is not a doctor but "stumbling onto motherhood" like the rest of us.

If you find the books that are aimed at women too gushy and ...well...hormonal! :lol: I found that a book I got my husband as a joke called "The bloke's guide to pregnancy" gives a straightforward, no nonsense account from a bloke's point of view. It was interesting to, as Robert Burns puts it "see oursel's as others see us". My husband resented it for about a day, muttering things like "'m not a bloke", but soon afterward I started hearing things like "according to the pregnant bloke, this is normal about now." Men, eh?

Sorry if this came off like a review from Amazon! *LOL* I always did read too much!

I think its great there are books for men to read too! my bf doesnt read my book (cant remember what its called) but is always interested when i say things like "wow did you know that our baby is approx 13inchs long now" he always gets a tape measure and looks at how the baby could be lying in my tummy!!
Tiny Sue said:
Hey girls -

I found that a book I got my husband as a joke called "The bloke's guide to pregnancy" gives a straightforward, no nonsense account from a bloke's point of view.

A mate gave that book for my DH and I have read quite a bit and it's totally fab I agree - straight to the point and written with a sense of humour unlike most of the books aimed at women.
I've got Birth and Beyond, it's massive, and really thick, covers absolutely everything.
I love Kaz Cookes 'Rough Guide to pregnancy and birth. Its done week by week, with info on whats happening to you and baby, lots of info and a week by week diary which is very witty, me and OH read it and sometimes laugh out loud. Also it gives you week by week growth and weight, so to get an idea of what the baby weighs I go around my kitchen putting different things in scales. OH didnt quite know what to say when he came home from work one day and I plonked a tin of Campbells mushroom soup in his hands and said, 'thats our baby'!
I thought I was the only one who did stuff like that, Cat. With me I've been taking photos of my bump every few weeks and sending them via picture phone to my sister along with a few details like "he's peeing into the amniotic fluid now...ewww" or " Our baby has fingerprints!" Amazing how quickly it's growing just now though!


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