Pregnancy blues...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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With all this good news being posted recently I feel like a right party pooper having my whinge! Feeling better now but yesterday had the pregnancy blues, these braxton hicks contractions I'm having aren't getting any easier went to M&S during my lunch break yesterday - 5 mins walk from the office and thought I was going to double over in pain at M&S! Finally on the way back had to rest on a pub bench for 5mins before making a dash back for the office where I could put mi feet up and relax. I've also been noticing recently that for no apparent reason my eyes just start welling up! This can be a wee bit embarrasing when in public i.e. on the tube! At home I've therefore decided to use a code word so that when I have one of these moments my husband knows I'm having a hormonal outbreak and I'm not crying 'cause I'm upset with him. Other than that my back aches and my nose still continues to conveninetly block itself just as I'm going to bed! In saying all of that I am over joyed to be pregnant, was lying in bed today watch 'bean' make my belly jiggle as he/she kicked away! The miricle of life!
aww poor you, i am feeling uncomfortable at the moment too but not as bad as you though, i am just starting to get really bad back ache and my belly hurts a little but i think it is coz my LO is moving around alot:) hope you feel better soon:)
ive felt a little over whelmed today to be honest. Ive had a little cry and i still feel a bit down but i know its normal and ill get over it.

hope you're feeling better soon too Daggers! *hugs*
Ive spent most of the last week in tears. My 2 year old isnt sleeping and I need loads at 7 months pg. Im going to see my midwife, i think ive got pre natal depression. It feels like a big black cloud over my head all the time.

((((((hugs))))))))) to all feeling like crying.
Cheers mi dears, always good to get support and to hear how everyone else is coping. Feeling better now, but I'm sure we'll all have our moments during our pregnancy - and even afterwards!
its tough but if we all stick together we will get through it:)

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