predict your birth


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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Ok, just for a laugh and because we are all getting fed up of waiting....see if you can predict your own birth experience :think:

Here's mine:

I will be 2 days overdue, go into labour in the evening and have a 5 hour labour. Baby will be a girl, born at 2am, weighing 9lb 5oz and I will manage the pain with a waterbirth and gas & air

Im hoping she will be smaller than that and come earlier, but in truth this is what Im expecting! So lets hear yours, and have a laugh looking back in a few weeks time!! :rotfl:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Me thinks my waters will break as I'm walking to work and I will get a lift home she will be born at around 9-10pm whist some wham song will be playing on the laptop LOL weighing 6lb 2oz. I will just have gas and spend most of my labour making cups of tea, food, and in the shower and stood dancing to cheezy 80s music and being cuddled and scratched and rubbed by my OH :D

I will probably still be giggling all the way through except the pushing part where I will be listening to every word midwife says and begging to God I don't tear!!!
This is great idea!!

3 weeks early... definate start labour in the early evening (this will seriously hack off my OH as he likes his kip at night) waterbirth and G&A born around 8.30am, boy and weighing 8lb 6oz

I could not agree more about looking at this in a few weeks time lets see what happens..

Btw im 34 weeks tomorrow 21/08/2008 so heres looking at arrival around 11/09/2008 if right :rotfl:
nickilubs said:
I will just have gas and spend most of my labour making cups of tea, food, and in the shower and stood dancing to cheezy 80s music and being cuddled and scratched and rubbed by my OH :D

Nicki that sounds like a good night in, let alone a good labour! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oooh!! Fun idea!! :cheer:

Realistically, this is what I genuinely think will happen;

I will be 10 days overdue and will start getting contractions around 11pm that evening (with only niggles during the day as a sign)... They will continue until about 5am where I head off to hospital. Hospital won't think I'm progressing like I should and I will go on a drip at 10am the next morning after they break my waters (after 12 hours of contractions leading nowhere). After getting an epi at 12:30pm, Evie will arrive at 4pm on the 11th day of being overdue weighing 7lb 13oz.

Ideally, this is what I would LIKE to happen;

My waters suddenly break 22:36 on Wednesday 20th August at 2 days early. (see when this post was posted :rotfl: ) I will start getting a few minor contractions and then the Stork knocks on my door to deliver a smiling Evie, all clean and warm, Mummy's bits in tact, where I successfully stick her on my boob and we all lived happily ever after :lol: xx
Will have just settled in our new home, and our daughter will be born there after a morning start with waters breaking, I'll be nice and rested, she will be on time or late, no early arrivals necessary here, after a nice average length labour, nothing too fast hehe I'm happy to carry her as long as she likes :D
nickilubs said:
I will just have gas and spend most of my labour making cups of tea, food, and in the shower and stood dancing to cheezy 80s music and being cuddled and scratched and rubbed by my OH :D

I will probably still be giggling all the way through except the pushing part where I will be listening to every word midwife says and begging to God I don't tear!!!
I can tell you're clearly not watching any labour programmes on Discovery Health and have stayed well clear of the birth stories!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Aww sweetie, you DESERVE a labour like that... :hug: xx
lisa282 said:
nickilubs said:
I will just have gas and spend most of my labour making cups of tea, food, and in the shower and stood dancing to cheezy 80s music and being cuddled and scratched and rubbed by my OH :D

Nicki that sounds like a good night in, let alone a good labour! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Haha nobody really believes me but I really do think thats whats gonna happen, if I have any pain I can manage to distract myself I'm such a spacer! The only person that really knows what I'm like is my OH hehe he just knows all it takes is a leg rub and I'm spaced! Either that or music I love music and it makes me forget loads of stuff and makes me really happy I have to dance when I hear something dancey even on a advert LOL my sisters husband says "if theres not a party going on around Nicki shes having one in her head" :D
dannii87 said:
Oooh!! Fun idea!! :cheer:

Realistically, this is what I genuinely think will happen;

I will be 10 days overdue and will start getting contractions around 11pm that evening (with only niggles during the day as a sign)... They will continue until about 5am where I head off to hospital. Hospital won't think I'm progressing like I should and I will go on a drip at 10am the next morning after they break my waters (after 12 hours of contractions leading nowhere). After getting an epi at 12:30pm, Evie will arrive at 4pm on the 11th day of being overdue weighing 7lb 13oz.

Oooh now this is freaky!
I had niggles all day on the Tuesday (with Joseph) and started getting very painful at about 10-11pm, I called ths hospital and they said come in and we will see if its labour, went in, 1cm so went home, at around 4am ish I went back unable to walk and in pain, 2cm, at about 9 am they broke my waters then put me on the drip around 10 ish! I gave birth to him (minus the epi) at 3.45pm! :eek: :shock: :eek:
Oh and he weighed 7lbs 12oz!!!

LMAO at your "ideal" labour heehee :lol:
Oooh, interesting idea! Here's mine:

I will start having mild contractions on the 19th September, at about 8pm in the evening. I will spend the night at home, doing my breathing exercises and bouncing on my ball. I will go to the hospital at about midday on the 20th September and use the birthing pool. I think I will deliver LO at about 7pm in the evening, using just gas and air and water :) I think bubs will be between 7lbs 6oz - 7lbs 10oz :)

I hope! :pray:

C xxx
dannii87 said:
nickilubs said:
I will just have gas and spend most of my labour making cups of tea, food, and in the shower and stood dancing to cheezy 80s music and being cuddled and scratched and rubbed by my OH :D

I will probably still be giggling all the way through except the pushing part where I will be listening to every word midwife says and begging to God I don't tear!!!
I can tell you're clearly not watching any labour programmes on Discovery Health and have stayed well clear of the birth stories!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Aww sweetie, you DESERVE a labour like that... :hug: xx

LOL my midwife did kinda think I was holding my worries in today and that me and my OH were being quiet and not talking about things we had on our mind......then by the end she realized the both of us really are stupidly calm and laid back about it all!
lea m: Whooooaaaa... :shock: That is VERY freaky...!!

Clairey: I want your labour!! :twisted: xx
Cant wait to look back at these in a few weeks time and see how they compare! :rotfl:
nickilubs said:
LOL my midwife did kinda think I was holding my worries in today and that me and my OH were being quiet and not talking about things we had on our mind......then by the end she realized the both of us really are stupidly calm and laid back about it all!
Not stupidly babe! You're a positive thinker, a lot of women swear by positive thinking during labour!

I bet little Ivy actually ALLOWS you that birth as well :roll: :evil: Evie will probably be ever so kind to her Mummy and give me the one I predicted too! :rotfl:
dannii87 said:
Clairey: I want your labour!! :twisted: xx

:lol: You want my labour that I made up in my head just now :lol: I don't know why but I find that really amusing, heehee! :D It's probably going to be far worse than that!

C xxx

I'll have already have 'gone into labour' at least ten times in the preceeding week, having backache and most probably 'contractions' that turn out to be trapped wind (I'll make that post in a minute lol)

When I do go into labour no one will believe me and my waters will break all over my newly laid carpet.

I'll not be able to find or organise anything.

I'll be in labour for hours and hours, take every form of pain relief available then bitterly regret it looking back.
Ok I think I'll go into labour on the 8th Sept (5 days overdue). I get the feeling that my waters won't go but I will start getting contractions that are mostly in my back in the early hours of the morning. We'll drop the dog off at my Mum and Dads around 11am when the pain starts to become too much to bear and head for the hospital. The birthing pool will have been prepared for us and I will get straight in after a quick examination and having my waters broken by the midwife. Things will then really heat up and Oscar will be born at 3pm or thereabouts and will be 8lb 2oz. The birth will have been nice and straightforward and I will have coped on only G&A because I wanted to stay in the water (also I won't have tripped over the umbilical cord whilst getting out of the birthing pool :cheer: ). There might be a bit of grazing but no real damage done and they will let us go home after 6 hours :D

At least that is how I hope it will be :D
Funny how some have a really realistic idea of what could happen....others are being *AHEM* slightly more optimistic........ :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Last time I had a really good sex session bled post coitally and was whisked away in an ambulance to the ward, had a disturbed nights sleep and was induced the next day 4 days early lots of screaming pain but 4 hours later and no cuts/grazes I had DS.

I wouldnt mind that again :)

Knowing how this pregnancy has been this is how I think it will go....

8 weeks overdue they tell me that they got their dates wrong and Im actually going to give birth Oct 2009 I have to carry my bump in a wheebarrow its soooo big and after a weeks labour she comes out in her school uniform and a sandwich in one hand telling me Im a bad mother and she is filing for emmancipation in the court.
My prediction - i will go into labour 5 days early and she will weigh around 6lbs 3oz but i think i will have a very long and painful labour!

i HOPE i have a very quick and easy labour, like in my dream (one push and she 'slid' out :rotfl: )

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