Pram nightmares!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Ok, I know it's my fault! Last few times we been and he's cried I've taken him out carried him but I've been with someone to push pushchair or visa versa! It's got that bad I havbt taken him, then yday I thought "no I'm not turning into one of those mums with a baby I can't take somewhere and saying at 8 months he WON'T go in his pushchair!! Before having a bab I said that was pathetic!! But ive turned into it!! So yday I took the pram so he could face me and after 5 min he was screaming!! I didn't give in but only lasted shoppng 40min! He was screaming from his throat felt sooo guilty! He was in floods tears and my heart ached but I thought im not giving in! He's getting the same just for walks! What do I do? Grin and bare the crying in the hope it will get better! or just not take him? Xx
Hey hon
Sounds tricky, Owen sometimes becomes a pain in the pram and squiggles and cries but luckily it usually towards the end of a trip. What toys ahve you got you could give him? How about snacks? I often have some snacks just to keep him a bit occupied because for Owen he gets bored and wants to be out crawling and exploring (and doesn't understand why he can't do this everywhere)
Maybe it's just a phase ~(hopefully) and will stop soon...

Yh I agree with minchin. Snacks zbd change the toys on the buggy regularly so he's not getting bored of them x

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Thanks all! I've tried snacks thinking that would workmans he just spits them out (but never ever refuses snacks anywhere else) toys he just chucks straight away in temper! The buggie driver looked good! May invest in one thanks! I just don't get it, he's so good and content everywhere else! He's happy to just sit and play, he doesn't cry in carseat either! It's just the pram!!! Xx
It's probably just a phase hun, around his age they are making another leap and all the learning can make them really clingy, some babies more than others. Hopefully he'll snap out of it soon and be back to himself. My LO has been like this a couple of times recently while being in a fussy phase and I've had to take him out the pushchair, and that's so not like him at all xxxx

Sorry, no advice lol xxx
Hope you find a solution or he grows out of it soon. x
It might make you feel better that Devon is like this most trips out. We have a tiny love banan and spider toy on the pushchair attached with a ring that won't fall off if he throws them or drops them, they help.

It's not too bright for him is it? Devon hates the bright daylight even if not sunny, so permenatly wears a sunhat and he doesn't have to squint and scream!

I have started giving Devon a muslin in the pushchair and that cheers him up as it's his comfort thing

I have just given up using the babybjorn baby carry due to his weight but its a shame as he is happy as larry in that - nosey I call it

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