Potty training question


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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I sometimes wonder whether or not my DD is ready for potty training. When she has a dirty nappy she will pull down her trousers or just hoke at her nappy. When she's running about upstairs naked before her bath, she will go into the bathroom and try to pee on the floor!

The thing is, she is only 20 months and I'm due another baby in 3 weeks time! So I wont be able to take her to the toilet every 30mins but then again if she's ready maybe I should be encouraging it? She's very clever and will get the idea really well but I just don't think I will have the time to follow through the whole process being heavily pregnant and then have a young baby.

What would you do??
She sounds like she's bordering on ready to me, are you going to introduce a potty or put her straight onto the toilet?

A potty or one of those kids toilet type things may help to save you running back and forth every time she "might" need the toilet.
She definitely sounds like she's almost ready - I'd get a potty and just have it around for her to get used to..show her what it's for but just let her get used to it and do things at her own pace. Kids often don't cope very well with changes when there are other big things happening in their lives (new baby, house move etc.) so I'd just take it slowly. When we first started we just had a potty in the lounge and one upstairs that Sam could sit on when he wanted to x

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