Potty Training POOS


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Hi All

Long time no see!!... might have been away for a while but this is the first place i come when i need help haha!!!

Ellis is potty training and in pants all day now but he will tell me when he poo's he will just do it in pants unless naked.

He has go the hang of wee's cos he gets a magic coin when he goes... but i am reminding him every hour or so.

I dont want to go back to pull ups cos that has thrown him back in the past but i am throwing a pair of pants away every day!!! (i am not washing them with poo in!!! YUK!! haha)

Any advice received gratefully! :) xxxxx
bribary :wink: :wink: if bray did a poop on the potty/tpilet he got a sticker on his top. it also worked with wees to :D
Spoooky.... I posted in another thread today saying I never saw you on here anymore!! How are you and the kiddies?

With regards to the potty training I am having the same problem, but stickers on a reward chart seem to be helping
Yeah i suggest stickers on maybe a sticker chartn like we do for hope, in the space of 3 weeks shes gone from hating to potty to doing wees and poos on there, and is now weeing on the toilet , still got to crack going out and night time but the sticker chart helps so much x
The only thing that worked with Jacob was bribary. I was having the same problem, wee wees we were great with, poos were another matter, until I said that he could have a little bag of haribo starmix (the 10p bags) if he had a poo poo on the potty - worked a treat, he actually wanted to go to get his starmix!! This probably lasted about 2 weeks, then he gradually got out of asking for his reward, now he just goes.

Thanks girls.... well this morning even with his bed time nappy on he asked for a poo!!! so fingers crossed it was carry on... I do brib too haha chocolate coin with ever wee or poo!!

I am good thanks sarah, thanks for asking! Both mine keep me very busy I dont know how you lot still get time to come on here hehe!! Wish i could keep up with it all!


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