postnatal check up


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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My friend just told me that she had an internal examination at her 6 wk check up but I wasn't offered one last week at mine? I thought it was strange when i was told that the nurse was supposed to be there but then didn't come in. I feel like my doctor hasn't done his job properly. Have all you ladies had an internal exam at your check ups? :think:
I didnt get one either.... I think you only get one if you had stitches or tore badly or the bleeding was bad.

Thankfully I didnt have any!
Ah thats it then, I was fine too thank goodness!
lol all mine did was ask me how I was and check my bp :lol:
i didn't have one even tho i had stitches.... i wouldn't of let them anyways :lol:
i was expecting one (my mum had one 15 years previous with my sister and its the same doc), but he didn't.

just checked my BP etc...
apparently they are going to do my smear test at my appointment.

i had a casearean though.
my doc said there was no point in doing this until 6 months after birth :think:
something about hormonal changes??
Sam&Alice said:
my doc said there was no point in doing this until 6 months after birth :think:
something about hormonal changes??

oh right will have to wait and see what they do. i was due my 3 year smear when i was pregnant, maybe this is why.
I had to have a smear as I was due one while I was pregnant, they told me I had to make the appointment for when my LO was 16 weeks old. So as far as I know that is the earliest you can have it done as the nurse said that your cervix needs that amount of time to recover. I never had an internal at my 6 week check neither, even though I had quite a few stitches. I was glad of that! :)
No It was mainly just Jake who was checked over. The doctor asked me if I had any problems but she didn't even feel my tummy which I thought she would have had to do.
I had an internal and a breast examination by a female doctor at mine-I wasnt expecting it to be honest as my sis hadnt had one (we are in different GP surgeries tho..) :shock: I was surprised as I had a c section but it was quick and painless-thank God (I had 12 internals duing my 2 day induction-so the thought of them makes me feel sick-probably a good job I didnt know I was to have one at check up!!)

She did my weight :oops: , BP and gave me advice on contrapection (sp?) as well as checking Ruby over from head to toe

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