Post pictures of your breakfast/lunch/dinner/midnight munch

Kimbo said:
egg fried rice, chips and curry sauce mmmmmmmm


mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm and eaten with a spoon! Kimbo you are my kind of eating buddy :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i dont know why i eat it with a spoon, i think its because you can shovel it all in quicker :lol: :lol:
Here is tonight's dinner, stir fry made with onion, red pepper, carrot, sweetcorn, spinach, quorn pieces, sachet of black bean sauce and a stir-fry pack containing bamboo shoots, bean sprouts and mange tout,sprinkled with mixed seeds and served with new potatoes :clap:

sorry the pic is a bit cr@p!

omg alice that is well complex! lol
i think the most ingredients ive used at any one time is salt and pepper :rotfl:
heres last nights dinner-

chicken curry, special fried rice and curly chips :D

Mmmm Kimbo I LOVE curry, rice and chips.

is it a takeaway or from a jar?
i LOVE curry aswell. its my favourite food :-P

it was from a jar :oops: lol although i added the chicken, onions. mushrooms etc myself and made the special fried rice myself with all the bits and bats in it.. it was just the curry sauce from a jar lol
Kimbo said:
heres last nights dinner-

chicken curry, special fried rice and curly chips :D


take it its hat yuor craving right now,

i had the best meal last night
lemon chicken with eggfried rice and the lemon sauce,
that did me well that did :)
no its not a craving.. ive always loved my curry :D
not really had any cravings

well tonight its beans on toast with grated cheese :) simple
lunch today

toasted pannini with tuna and mayo inside, and melted cheese on top :D


omg im well greedy, im the only one who posts now! :lol:
I don't post most of my pictures cos I just snack throughout the day instead of having defined meals.. a crispy cake, then a yogurt, then an apple is probably not very interesting to photograph for you all :)
lmfao... my mum said on the picci it looks like diarrhea :puke: :rotfl:

was nice tho honest! lol it was chicken tonight curry sauce!
I have been meaning to post on this thread for ageesssssssssss, as it looks so good. But I always eat my food before I take the picture! Remembered today though, this is my breakfast/lunch. Fresh pineapple, melon and strawberries. I will do my dinner later :D


i must say some of these meals ive never heard of

thought it was about time i posted a pic i keep meanung to but i always eat it first :D

for dinner i have salad and lasagne and for afters a big tub of ben and jerrys all for me :wink:

Becaus eit £2 in asda yeh??
hahah such a good roll back

i have it every thursday afta weight watchers its cheat night lol afta a nice stuffed crust pizza LOL

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